Had a band practice with the old trio... those shows are essentially solo gigs, the drummer has the personality and contacts but is now basically deaf in one ear, had his shoulder reconstructed last year... so it was obviously the first time he's touched his drum since our last gig last year... and the bass player is a sweet guy with lots of personality, always shows up on time, and is exactly the kind of bandmate you want. Only issue is... he's not a very good bass player. He's a middling guitar player that was converted to a middling bass player... so he basically follows me and plays the root note of whatevery chord I'm playing... and when he gets lost (very frequently) just does a thunk-thunk-thunk thing. I help him out however I can, give him bass lines, simplify the format of the songs (which is why I get dinged in the other band for playing things the "wrong" way... IE, not the studio way.
HERE is where the Karma comes into play in this particular thread:
I mentioned the arthritic hands I've been dealing with every morning... and I occasionally find my left pinky completely numb or tingly. Probably a pinched nerve in my elbow or tendonitis. I have a sit stand desk and have added extra gels and shit to lay my arm, wrist on... it's more likely caused from resting it on the door or arm rest during all of the 2-5 hour drives I've been doing every week.
So we are 2 or three songs into the practice... and fuck me if I'm not having issues making some of the chords. Thing is, It wasn't simply F... honestly, it wasn't the bar finger.. but all of them.
Part of it is the neck on my Taylor is a smidge on the thin side for me... I never notice this kind of closing-the-hand issue on my ginormous Thorn neck... but I fear that it's an indicator that this is an issue I will have to address for the sake of my Guitar playing. :(
For now, I'm going to squeeze ball exercise my left hand while driving, and make sure I pick up the guitar for at least an hour (if not 2 to 3) every day this month. Probably keep my travel acoustic in the car so I can get in some additional practice time at lunch.