Brian Krashpad
Useful information.
When your supplications go unanswered, don't come cryin' to me.
Useful information.
You're a class act, all the way.
You miss your mouth by a mile, don't you?It's funny how important ergonomics and "fitting" someone to the appropriate equipment is in something like "golf" but even with guitars that come in a million sizes, shapes, scale lengths, neck thicknesses and diameters... are expected to just "get used to it" or "work around it".
Anyway, from my limited experience with Teles when the switch is in the neck position, for me it is too close to the volume knob. If I want to tweak the volume knob it feels cramped and awkward.
Now make a classy remark about how fat my fingers are.
You miss your mouth by a mile, don't you?
But, you gotta be a sharp dressed kinda guy to rock a pink guitar.
But, you gotta be a sharp dressed kinda guy to rock a pink guitar.