I have become baimun, destroyer of worlds

I believe @baimun had posted a pic of a Harmony earlier. I think all that’s left, not mentioned, is Gold Tone, Heritage, Jackson, Journey, Kramer, Lakland, Larrivee, Loog, Peavey, Recording King, Reverend, Rickenbacher, Schecter, Sire, Squier, Steinberger, Sterling, Strandberg, Suhr, Traveler, Washburn and Xotic.

It’s probably not another Reverend. It must be a Suhr, because, who wouldn't want one?

Unless I've missed something, we've guessed all the brands Sweetwater currently carries. But, they do have an online market where customers can sell used guitars.
For anybody else who read this list and said, wait, What? Recording King makes solid body guitars? I need to see this myself but, life is busy, I'll look into it tomorrow but, tomorrow comes and you still haven't googled it and you are still curious. Lap steels.

Cursed by @smurfco, I looked up to the heavens and cried “Oh my God. A defect!”

A couple minor but noticeable cosmetic things that will drive me bananas in part because they’re right where I have to look at them while playing. The guitar plays and sounds good but this one isn’t so amazing that I’m like 100% into it warts and all. I got a call into my guy.

I’m usually not a crazy person when it comes to little cosmetic oopsies but I’m gonna Karen things up and see where we wind up.

EDIT: It’s headed back to Indiana from whence it came. My Sales Engineer was AWOL for the last couple days so I had to get someone else to help and then had to follow up on that guy at the end of the day with another person to finally get a return authorization. It’s nice to get loving aftercare when I buy strings or whatever, but I kinda expected a little more action when I was shipped b stock/factory second merch as new.
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