Question: Hypothetical offer to be God-King of Ancient Egypt

Do you wish to be their divine monarch with all the perks that it entails?

  • Yes! I can certainly think of things I'd like to try as Pharoah

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • No! I like my unexceptional life. I would miss playing farmville and eating crunchwrap supremes

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters


Kick Henry Jackassowski
I teach origins of Western Civilization to Chinese undergrads, and recently we've been studying the Hebrews, the captivity in Egypt, and the Exodus, and the subsequent importance of those stories in the Western Cultural identity.

While musing on this I asked my classes if - given the opportunity -they would take up an offer to travel back in time to let's say the Reign of Rammesses II, and take over the role of Pharoah. They would have native level fluency in reading and writing, and their 21st century knowledge intact.

The majority of the class were content to stick with their current life. Because they would miss their phones and the 'delicious food' they're used to eating.

How about you?
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It's interesting that boring ass modern life is even in the same league as ancient god-king status...

I'm taking the hot showers and antibiotics over the throngs of adoring concubines.

It's also really fun to drive.
As a preteen, I loved Mark Twain’s A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, the romanticism of this sort of time travel held real appeal to me.

But if not for modern medicine, I wouldn’t have lived to be much older than Tutankhamen did. And now I’m old and rather sick and my priorities lie primarily with comforts. Don’t fuck with my favourite slippers and blankets and coffees.

That said, I still think it’d be pretty cool to live a life where if I heard some idiot with a grating voice say something stupid or obnoxious, I could just point at them and be, like, “that dude is spending the rest of his life hauling pyramid stones.”
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@Motorik — Curious as to whether you deal with the historicity of the exodus in this class. Do you offer them a warning that it might go over well in conversation were they to ever visit America? :lol:
@Motorik — Curious as to whether you deal with the historicity of the exodus in this class. Do you offer them a warning that it might go over well in conversation were they to ever visit America? :lol:

Yes, I make sure to tell them that most Americans subscribe to the Biblical minimalist position and it is a common bonding strategy to proclaim this in detail when meeting people for the first time in professional or social situations. :lol: