Have we done this before? Pick two guitars/basses to keep!


Meatus McPrepuce
Sooo sitting here alone in my apartment I am realizing just how worthless having a bunch of gear is. But the problem is I like all of it! So the question is - if you had to pair your collection down to two of each type of instrument - electric guitar, bass, acoustic, etc. what would you keep?

If I could only keep two electric guitars it would be my Warmoth Telecaster and the SG. A relatively easy choice, though I would miss my Jazzmaster.

Basses it's harder. I've had my Hofner for 12 years now and played countless Buggs shows with it so it has tremendous sentimental value, but as an everyday player it's pretty limited. My 1971 fretless P is the coolest (and most valuable) bass I own, but I can't play it very well. If I had to pick two basses I guess I would pick my USA Standard Jazz Bass and my EBMM Sterling. But that would be tough.

I only have one acoustic and one keyboard so there's no real dilemma there.

What about your collection??? Tell meeeeeeee
Does this process give anyone else anxiety? I found it difficult to think about. I need to talk to my therapist about this maybe?
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I've been down to two guitars and one bass for the last several years anyway
Not that hard, Ive played this game often in my head.
I'd sell all my electrics except my White Falcon and buy a nice classic Tele.
I'd keep my D28 and my little Recording King 000.
I'd keep my reissue Guild Starfire and my upright.
I only have 1 bass and don't own an acoustic so that's easy. If I had to keep only 2 guitars, it would probably be the McFeely and my Warmoth Tele.
Well I don’t have a bass or an acoustic and never will, so I’m going five guitars. I can’t go lower than that. I love and use all of them.

1. Gristlemaster
2. McFeely
3. PRS CE 24 Semi hollow
4. Reverend Reeves Gabriels
5. PRS Vela
Well.....right now I only have one acoustic (with another on the way) and one electric....so I would keep them all.

I do plan to get another electric this year though. One with a trem system of some sort on it.

Marcus Miller fretless (because I need one, I'll get a lighter model someday though)
Marcus Miller M3 "Cliff"
Harley Benton 12 string
Yamaha LD10 "George"
B&CH Strat "Bo Jackson"
Trini Lopez Kit build "Goldmember"

It's tough to leave my LP Jr "Foreman" and Gretsch "Midas" behind, but Bo Jackson and Gold member are just too good.
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Hmmm, I guess it'd be my '92 USA Tele and my Schecter PT Custom.

Or maybe my '87 LP and my '93 USA Strat.

Or maybe my Epi Casino and my Seagull Artist Cameo. I've only got one bass, and it's a '76 lawsuit Ibanez (Ric 4001 copy).
As others have said, this is easy as long as it is hypothetical. In real life I would add Dreamer, my painted acoustic, and my Yamaha piano I have at home.