Foodie Band Names

Mudslide Waters
The Mothers of Convection Oven
Bachman Turner Overweight
Rye Cooder
John Melon Camp
Talking Heads of Lettuce (was this done?)
Here are the ones I posted on Twitter:
PepperKorn (that one got 761 retweets & 394 likes)

Whitefish Zombie

Motorhead of Lettuce

StoneSour Apples

Slip Garlic Knot

The Offspring Rolls

Soundgarden Salad

Mercyful Pate

Blue Oyster on the Half Shell Cult

Taylor Ham Swift

Macaroon 5

They Might Be Giant Shrimp

Earth, Wind and Fire-Roasted [fill in the blank]

Mob Barley

Albert Tom Collins