Dismal Ax ’72 “Heart of Dixie” Road Dog

That would be a concern for me, but other than that I like it. I'd choose a different license plate, though. I wouldn't want anyone to think I'm from Alabama. Yeah, I went there. Not to Alabama. I wouldn't go to Alabama.

I spent a good bit of my childhood in Alabama. It's not nearly as bad as what your perception from Hollywood movies may have made it out to be...:messedup:

That said, the color of that plate is just hideous against that dark wood IMHO...:facepalm:
I spent a good bit of my childhood in Alabama. It's not nearly as bad as what your perception from Hollywood movies may have made it out to be...:messedup:

That said, the color of that plate is just hideous against that dark wood IMHO...:facepalm:
Alabama is lovely. Even better without Alabama fans.
They were dead-on in the first five words of the description. HATE. HATE. HATE. HATE. HATE.