c'mon iPod


Dogue in teh desert
....so I for whatever reason woke this morning and after walking the dog and having my first cup of coffee suddenly thought "i wonder if my iPod still works" It is a 4th ben 20GB....now after some Googling I found out it's probably hopeless to get music on them since Apple music replaced iTunes BUT a third party interface is available, etc although any of the music services would not work. I'm sure I still have some music on here...

*EDIT* .....my iMac actually recognizes the device and I have the iPod icon on my desktop with "my name's iPod" :eek:

The last time it was fired up was probably somewhere around 2008 when it was replaced with an iPod touch.

so anyway I plugged it in and just got a battery icon with a lightningbolt through it like this

after about three minutes I got this and it started and is curtrently charging


SAtill can't access anything but it's only been charging for about 10 minutes. Since it hasn't been charged in about 12 years I imagine it might take awhile *spits*

....to be cont........
damn thing is still charging :embarrassed:

I will leave it plugged in (to a wall charger) whilst I go to work and by the time I come home at lunch it will either be charged or it won't.

Also of not I realized since I have the icon on the desktop with the ipod plugged in then I should be able to drag and drop music to it . I opened it up and only saw 'contacts" notes" and "instructions"....no music...

If that doesn't work and assuming it fully charges and boots into home screen then I will take out an old iMac and see if I still have music in that version of iTunes.....

Steve jobs > Tim crook
damn thing is still charging :embarrassed:

I will leave it plugged in (to a wall charger) whilst I go to work and by the time I come home at lunch it will either be charged or it won't.

Also of not I realized since I have the icon on the desktop with the ipod plugged in then I should be able to drag and drop music to it . I opened it up and only saw 'contacts" notes" and "instructions"....no music...

If that doesn't work and assuming it fully charges and boots into home screen then I will take out an old iMac and see if I still have music in that version of iTunes.....

Steve jobs > Tim crook
I remember my oldest cousin having the 1st gen and I was like "what the hell is that thing?"
He said, "You put music on it"
I ended up getting some 20GB Kenwood version or something shortly there after. It was blue and shaped and sized like a CD player.
I've just replaced the battery on my 80GB iPod video (cheap and easy to find on ebay and straightforward to change). I have a pretty good speaker dock for it, so it's worth keeping it running. Should be good for another few years now!

P.S. I've previously replaced a hard drive on a friend's iPod. Also cheap(ish) and easy to do.
I have a thirteen year old iPod that I was using until two weeks ago. It was connected to the stereo in my old car. I got a new car that uses bluetooth, so the iPod is finally being retired.
They're great still for usb plug-in in a car. Half the time Bluetooth doesn't connect right away or something goes wrong.
I have about 100 CD's from the 80's and 90's. Never lost them and they still boot up and play music. Plus I've never lost the music due to a computer or device crash.
I have about 100 CD's from the 80's and 90's. Never lost them and they still boot up and play music. Plus I've never lost the music due to a computer or device crash.
I have a ton of CD'S. It seems the players are on the way out. New cars don't come equipped with them.
Some new cars are putting the cd/dvd player in the glovebox now. Genesis G90 comes to mind, but there are a few others doing it too.
Cool, I’ve often thought about pulling my old ones out, the really tiny ones. Only problem is I take my phone on all my runs and bike rides anyway, it’s kind of redundant. I guess I haven’t used them since the iPhone came out.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And call me old school - I honestly hate that.

I can't tell you how much music I've lost due to computer crashes - accounts moving, going from Apple to Android and pc's back to MAC's over the years.
There's only two kinds of data: data that is backed up, and data that IS going to be lost.