Book list. What are you Weiners reading?

I got this cook book… the first couple recipes were kinda shit… one tasted like bad haggis…

… the next one we didn’t finish because of weird noises in the house.

Probably going to check the later chapters and see if there are any good desert recipes. :helper:

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Is that Chewbacca?

Did you get to the bottom of the weird noises in your house?
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India: A History by John Keay. I bought the Folio Society version so I would have to read it. Indian history is interesting because for much of it nobody was writing anything down and there isn’t much of an archaeological record. So historians have to piece together dates and events from Hindu, Bhuddist, and Jain literature. That’s a problem because the Hindu literature was altered over and over to justify kingships (You’re a god! And you’re a god! Krishna the avatar of Vishnu has chosen you!) and the Bhuddist stuff comes from Tibet, Nepal, and China so it doesn’t always agree. Events could have occurred over periods spanning hundreds of years and hundreds of miles. It isn’t until the first millenium CE that trustworthy written history appeared. It’s kind of like reading Suetonius knowing that at least half of it is just rumors that were started after their subjects were already dead.
Finished Margaret Atwood's "Oryx and Crake". Fantastic story telling, but pretty bleak, and there's no real ending - it just sort of stops. Unfortunately, it sounds like the rest of the trilogy is parallel to Oryx and Crake and not a continuation. I'm trying to decide if I want to read the other two.
I just finished UFO by Garrett Graff. It’s a pretty good history of the UFO phenomenon and the personalities involved in Ufology. It’s not a book about UFOs so much as a book about the people and groups interested in UFOs and how secrecy and human frailty create conspiracies and rumors of conspiracies
I don't read much for myself during the semester, but I did recently finish Atlantic Hotel by João Gilberto Noll and I'm currently reading very very slowly The Guest Cat by Takashi Hiraide. Also biting off bits and pieces of David Golumbia's Cyberlibertarianism: The Right Wing Politics of Digital Technology when I can.
I'm on a Christopher Moore kick lately. Right now it's The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove.