Black and yellow swirling

Here are some close ups on the Clown Vomit Swirl...


I didn't care for the black and yellow combo but it is pretty cool. I dig that clown vomit one Scott.
So when I swirl I use model enamel. Testors to be exact.

They work great but the process is a little stressful. It does get easier to guesstimate the outcome after time.

I wish that I could take credit for the puzzle piece one. I saw that on ebay and had to have it. Not sure who did it but they were damn good

I tried with testors yesterday actually. Went ok. I think they need a splash of mineral spirits to thin them out slightly.
I'm a huge wood fan and I really dig highly figured wood, but these finishes really intrigue me too. I love Scott's collection. Maybe I should commission one like this :)
Those have more squiggles than the others.

Wonder what it would look like if you got drunk til you had tremors then tried that?

Could be interesting.

Well, I'm going to have to redip. I was running late yesterday and should have put it in the booth to help dry it (where it's heated). Instead I left it on the rack in the shop and it ran a bit (cold).

Oh well. Just have to try again (shucks... lol)