Guitar Heel
Demented Trick
me too. the "tone" joke was a text I'd sent Chad earlier in the day...fuckers. I just like the look of brass.
me too. the "tone" joke was a text I'd sent Chad earlier in the day...fuckers. I just like the look of brass.
Well, the site is down now, so good luck with that.
It's up for me. Maybe you just aren't sexy enough
I dunno, that's what TGP says.
I guess I’m sexier than TGP
Site is down.....
Even at 25% off, they are still pretty steep. I'd be willing to spend $2.50 each, but $6.70 each is a little too rich for me.
You could buy some risers for the back row, and not have to worry about stupid buttons.
Well that blows as I am to late to this thread. Would've ordered 20-40 for my pedals at a dollar a piece.
Don't worry, it was a website mistake. All orders were refunded.