ADMIT IT: Don’t you kind of enjoy dull aching ball pain?


So anyway, this woman says to the doctor, "Please help me, doctor! I've started taking steroids, and well, now I've suddenly grown a penis!"

The startled doctor asks, "Anabolic?"

"No, just the cock."

Sorry. I just wanted to post that joke somewhere before I forgot it. Please carry on with your aching ball chat.
I can hardly even watch someone getting hit in the pills. To think about surgery or something in the area...I weaken severely.
I was perplexed as to how you would hit your balls on the corner of a table and then remembered how tall you are. Mojo.
How do you accidentally strike your balls on the corner of a table? That seems pretty near impossible to do accidentally.
Bump because I was dancing around my apartment to "Mr. Bojangles" and when I jumped so high, jumped so high, I did not lightly touch down but landed rather forcefully on the corner of the kitchen counter, driving my pulltabs into the granite with some velocity. I had to go lie down and am now rolling gently from side to side feeling that warm spreading ball ache that I.... love so much
Seeing this brought back a memory from high school days. Playing flag football and taking a shot to the balls so hard that I projectile vomited. Thanks.
I got up out of my chair at work yesterday at the end of a meeting and yelled quite loudly as it felt like I had been kicked. Scared my coworkers half to death. Then I had to delicately explain why because they are 100% females.
I got up out of my chair at work yesterday at the end of a meeting and yelled quite loudly as it felt like I had been kicked. Scared my coworkers half to death. Then I had to delicately explain why because they are 100% females.
Did you "Belvedere"?
Seeing this brought back a memory from high school days. Playing flag football and taking a shot to the balls so hard that I projectile vomited. Thanks.

My memory is the other way around—I was at a kickboxing class and the teacher was getting rougher than I could handle. So I lifted him off the floor with my knee.
well, I did it again… I tagged my "gonads" marble slab while looking at new countertops down at the floor and decor. it was that great kind where you feel it in your stomach and it's just like a soul deadening ache. I was so happy!