Kick Henry Jackassowski
Wolfspider having it's eggs hatch.
OK, that seriously gave me chills and made me shudder for real, that is so horrible.
Wolfspider having it's eggs hatch.
There is nothing I am afraid of more than I am spiders. I hate spiders. I am terrified of them, horrified, absolutely just out-of-my-head type scared. If I got a black widow on me, it wouldnt matter if it bit me or not, I would likely have a heart attack from the fear, no joke.
But, FP, black widows typically would not be described as "giant". So, if it was really all that big, then at least you can probably not have to worry about it being a widow.
Baimun, that looks like that Australian spider that like threatens and chases people and can kill you. Absolutely horrifying.