A giant black spider just walked across my living room floor...


Beardcore Apologist
My girlfriend produced a shriek I can only liken to a puppy in a vice.

I should have killed it with fire but a shoe did just fine.

I would have produced that same shriek and then would have also cried if Prages would have killed it, instead of what he normally does to appease me, by catching it in a glass and then releasing it outside.

We are entering Black Widow season here...last summer was our first summer here and I have never seen some many Black Widows in one place....
We are entering Black Widow season here...last summer was our first summer here and I have never seen some many Black Widows in one place....

Pretty sure that's what this one was......

I would have produced that same shriek and then would have also cried if Prages would have killed it, instead of what he normally does to appease me, by catching it in a glass and then releasing it outside.


My wife makes me do this too :facepalm:

When they are in the basement though they die...I have always been tempted to throw darts at them...but two things stop me. One, throwing darts against hard walls and cement floors are terrible for dart tips.

And two, I'm a pretty good shot...

It gets scary as shit out here during summer. Black widows are everywhere in the yard. I killed a few last year with a shovel.
There is nothing I am afraid of more than I am spiders. I hate spiders. I am terrified of them, horrified, absolutely just out-of-my-head type scared. If I got a black widow on me, it wouldnt matter if it bit me or not, I would likely have a heart attack from the fear, no joke.

But, FP, black widows typically would not be described as "giant". So, if it was really all that big, then at least you can probably not have to worry about it being a widow.
I would have produced that same shriek and then would have also cried if Prages would have killed it, instead of what he normally does to appease me, by catching it in a glass and then releasing it outside.


Note to self: Bring plastic cups to Pragestock.