GPOTD 7.2.19


Mediocringly Derivative

Kiesel AM6 British Racing Green - Piezo Walnut/Purple Heart Neck
These are the types of descriptions that move gear quickly.:eyeroll:

Excellent condition other than the chip on the headstock. Low action and the piezo sounds amazing!
Comes with Kiesel gig bag
Needs more goofy angles that don't line up. That's just terrible.

Honestly, if I were going to buy a multiscale, I'd give Kiesel a hard look. But I don't see the advantages to multi-scale unless you're Charlie Hunter. And I'm no Charlie Hunter, that's for sure.
Honestly, if I were going to buy a multiscale, I'd give Kiesel a hard look. But I don't see the advantages to multi-scale unless you're Charlie Hunter. And I'm no Charlie Hunter, that's for sure.
Why not a PRS? No way I’d buy a Kiesel over a Custom 24 or CE 24. I really love my CE 24.
Help me out. What’s makes the Kiesel multiscale? It just looks like 24 fret guitar. I see the fan frets, but I thought that was a intonation thing.

Fan frets means multiscale. It means the low E string has a longer scale than the high E string. Personally, I don’t see a use in standard tuning. But if I were going to play a multiscale instrument, I would do it like Charlie Hunter who has 3 bass strings and 4 guitar strings, and plays both at the same time. I’m not that talented though.