Hot or Not? 3D printed electrics...

Last week the world’s first 3D printer that prints carbon fiber was announced. I expect that in a few years we’ll start seeing some really incredible 3D printed necks and hollowbody guitars to go with these designs.
This might be a game-changer for me. I've been toying with the idea of a CF guitar for some time.
I wasn't super impressed with how the videos above sounded. Maybe 3D wings onto a center block for the hell of it.
Pretty slick.
I'd have to see something that really appealed to make me even consider that money for a guitar.
Who am I kidding? I'd never spend $3k on a guitar.
Were on the cusp of buying a 3D printer at work. You know what that means :wink:

I'm really amazed that every pickup winder on earth doesn't have one. It opens up a world of possibilities for small run bobbins, covers ect. 8 string p90's? Sure thing.
prices should eventually come down, no?

Probably some but it'll take some real developments in the technology to bring prices down.
A printer capable of anything this big is very expensive.
The material used to feed the printer is expensive.
It takes a lot of time to print one unit.

3D printing is very cool but won't replace mass production in terms of cost for a long time.
It may be able to beat out custom work for price but you're limited in what materials you can use.
I'm really amazed that every pickup winder on earth doesn't have one. It opens up a world of possibilities for small run bobbins, covers ect. 8 string p90's? Sure thing.

This makes more sense. I think 3D printing will be far more useful for prototypes and one off/limited run items where making jigs, molds and fixtures is cost prohibitive for small quantities.
When I worked for Specialized bikes, I used a 3D printer to prototype an entire bike frame I designed. We had to do it in pieces and glue them together. It proved successful and every prototype is done that way now. I wouldn't be surprised if they get a carbon fiber printer next.