Hot or Not? 3D printed electrics...

Terry Allan Hall

Idol Of America's Youth



These are three I'd REALLY like to test! drool0 Seem to hover around $3K.
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As for the 3D-printed guitars, it's a solid meh from me. I tend to like guitars that are simple and elegant (the occasional flamey top aside).
Actually, I would check one out anyway. My expectations would not be high. The actual lego guitars do not look comfortable to play. If i had one, it would have to incorporate a real guitar neck into a lego body rather than lego built neck.

pretty sure I've seen a Lego Falcon one as well, easy mistake.
especially when you aren't a toy geek :wink:
I like the steampunk tele in a novelty kind of way......

No way I would ever spend 3K on one, but it would be neat to try.
Last week the world’s first 3D printer that prints carbon fiber was announced. I expect that in a few years we’ll start seeing some really incredible 3D printed necks and hollowbody guitars to go with these designs.
I like how the gears and piston move on the second one. They sound pretty good too, which kind of throws the tonewood argument out the window.
I don't think hot or not is the right question. 3d printing is just amazing, making guitars out of it or anything in general is cool. I mean, the entire concept is mind blowing.

The steampunk guitar with the working gears is crazy cool!

Would I play/own one? Probably not but I can sure as hell appreciate the fact they can do it. I was visiting SpaceX the day before NAMM (my buddy works there) and I was watching them 3d print turbine's for the rockets using titanium and inconel. 3D F'ING PRINTING THEM. coolest. technology. ever.

Last week the world’s first 3D printer that prints carbon fiber was announced. I expect that in a few years we’ll start seeing some really incredible 3D printed necks and hollowbody guitars to go with these designs.

This will be REALLY amazing. I'm looking forward to that.