GPOTD 12.12.17

I helped hi replace the pickups more than once. Nothing made it sound good which sucked because I prefer bolt on necks, and these were super cheap at the time, so I was going to snag one.
That KEXP vid doesn't sound horrible to me. In the context of that style of music.
That KEXP vid doesn't sound horrible to me. In the context of that style of music.

In my experience, there are just some instruments that are dogs. My buddies was one and I'm sure it isn't representative of every Marauder out there. With so many awesome guitars out there, I wasn't willing to go searching for a good Marauder.
I always felt this '70's Gibsons were the inspiration for the PRS Miras and Veras and Starlas.
I’ve always kinda liked those.

Angel Olsen plays one and it sounded pretty alright on Saturday for rhythm and strumming.
Used to own one exactly like that back in the 70s. Had a shoddily repaired classic Gibson neck snap. Wish I still had it. With my knowledge now I could have fixed that. The Bill Lawrence pickups were awesome. I'd rock it in a heartbeat.
I never thought it was such a bad little [guitar]. It’s not bad at all, really. Maybe it just needs a little love. — Linus Van Pelt, “Peanuts”

and a custom tort pick guard.
Steve, it's ok to dislike something. It doesn't make you a bad or mean person. Now had you said "this thing is uglier than Lady Gaga" like I did, you're an asshole. :Wave:
Come on, we're all assholes in here. :grin:

I knew it I'm surrounded by assholes. Keep firing, assholes!

Also, which one is Phillip?
