Wylde Guitar Collection


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Is "Wylde" how you pronounce "FUGLY" in the New Jersey Redneck dialect of the English language?
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Geez, the flattering posts are embarrassing.
Don't get me wrong... He drives me nuts because everything is all giant beards, beer, not showering, and pick squeels. But underneath all the Jackson, NJ, dating my ex's aunt redneckness is some talent.

He's stuck in the gimmick and can't get out.
Most people are stuck in a gimmick they can't get out of. Yet they don't visit the absolute worst shit-metal on us, nor spawn zombie threads on other forums regarding die cast toys, nor bulls eyes on .....

Why am I going on with this list?

Zakk = bad

Some things in life are just that easy. Let's embrace them when we find them.
Ooh, complete with runes from The Complete Guide to Wicca. Now the kids can disappoint mom even when they play with headphones.