Why your Les Paul won't stay in tune

He's right. Thats why my LP studio pro went the journey. Tuning drove me mad. Crap design.
Yeah, that's in line with my thinking that it's basically because of a design flaw.
I've practically given up on the one I have, and don't even bring it to gigs these days as it cannot be trusted, and I've yet to find a permanent solution to it that actually works.
And their headstocks wouldn't break off so much if they would use a modern truss end instead of that automobile tire lug on the end of a threaded rod. More than half of the weakest part of the neck is carved away for that shit. Just stupid.
Les Pauls don’t stay in tune because Gibson does shitty nut jobs and the string binds in the tiny slots. When I had a Les Paul I opened the sticky slot up with sandpaper and it was fine.
One thing the Norlin era LPs did right was putting a volute on the neck/headstock. Don't know why Gibson/Epiphone abandoned that.
Still haven't had time to watch the video. I have two Les Pauls and they both stay in tune just fine but they have also been serviced properly over the years so I'm assuming that crappy factory setup is part of the problem.
Still haven't had time to watch the video. I have two Les Pauls and they both stay in tune just fine but they have also been serviced properly over the years so I'm assuming that crappy factory setup is part of the problem.

I'll sum up for you:

1. Headstock angle - causing binding in nut

2. Position of D and G String tuners - angle of string binds in nut. Strings should run straight like on Tele or PRS

3. Wide nut. Gibson should use narrow nut like Fender.
I play 11's on mine so maybe that helps in my case to. I haven't played 9's in 25 years or more.

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Works on my hollowbodies as well, both Gretsch's and Gibby's. They just seem more stable during tuning and playability.
One thing the Norlin era LPs did right was putting a volute on the neck/headstock. Don't know why Gibson/Epiphone abandoned that.

Because Norlin era had tainted the brand so much that Henry J. couldn’t retain the trademark of the era. Same as Fender and oversized headstocks. I agree that it’s a loss—I LOVE volutes—but it’s understandable.
All of my guitars including my LP stay in tune as well as can be expected and yes they all are set up with .10's. But, let's be real. If you bend the shit out of them they are all going to go out of tune sooner than later. Cure? If that's what you like to do get used to stepping on that tuner pedal every three
or four songs just to make sure.

[mic dropped]


Something he didn't mention (or is unaware of because he had the import) is beyond the shape, design, and engineering of the PRS headstock, the nut is made out of a hard slick material that pings like glass when you drop it on the table. It doesn't rattle like plastic. It's durable and doesn't bind in the nut slots the way other materials do.
I don't have any Gibsons but my LP copies don't have any problems. I can play them for hours without tuning put them in the case and take them out a week later and they're still in tune.