What's your best "bad" guitar?

Epiphone Dot Studio, maybe? I don't have any really expensive guitars, so some people might classify all mine as bad.
I second that. Heck, all my guitars are cheap but I developed the skills to adjust, and update anything and everything and have a blast with everything I own.
Ten year-old Squier P-bass. It’s a cheap and beaten mess. But it’s fun to play!
Probably this guitar. These seem to be almost universally reviled. Sterile pickups, no tone wood, ugly, sound 'modern'...all comments I have heard about these guitars. I love them and think mine is one of my best sounding guitars. Certainly the most versatile guitar I own. I'm guessing most of the comments about these come from people who never really spent much time with one.

Modded Rouge Tele?
Esquire partscaster?
No, not really . There are some minor issues with both but nothing serious.
Hands down, The Black Strat of Chimey Doom.

Started life as an Indonesian Squier Fat Strat that cost $129 new at GC. Now it is an unholy beast thanks to massive modifications including every single screw, piece of hardware and electronics. The only thing that remains from the original is the neck and body, which I painted/relic'd.

It is absolutely amazing.


Roadworn 50s Tele.

Nobody with taste likes relic'd guitars. But I tried 20-30 Teles when I was shopping, and that one was special.
I have guitars across the spectrum price wise. Two worth about $10k, many in the $3k... 2 GOOD ones under $1k an then there's the EPI DOT... Bought it second hand from Punk Kitty and just finished up the mods... So its my best BAD guitar BUT its NOT a bad guitar
Paid a few hundred for the guitar, gutted the electrics, did an Eric Clapton mod on the pups...
Just rebuilt the bridge to use the entire neck width and better follow the neck radius... which really opened it up for tone/sound and playablity.. Did the pro setup and it plays like the $3k axes...

But it is my Best/Bad guitar.... But like said, once I get done with one, its not Bad in any way. I won't keep a Bad guitar...
Well I only own 2 guitars, so I guess it would be my Lead II parts caster. It is a Lead II body and a neck from a Squier Jagmaster, which is a 24" conversion neck. For being a cheap Squier neck, it could be my favorite neck. It is like they measured my hand to make it.
