What's your best "bad" guitar?

Some people would probably call this a bad guitar.


I wouldn't. I had one a while ago. I wish I still had it.
Why would you own a bad guitar?

Why would you even get sucked into buying one?

If you did buy / own a bad guitar then why would you keep it?
Why would you own a bad guitar?

Why would you even get sucked into buying one?

If you did buy / own a bad guitar then why would you keep it?

It depends on what you mean by "bad." A lot of people tend to equate bad with cheap. If that's the case, there many people who can't afford $3,000 guitars or $1,000 guitars or $700 guitars. Other people can, but have other spending priorities.

I could probably afford a $2,000 guitar if I really wanted one, but I've never spent more than $700 on a guitar. Many guitar players would call my guitars "bad," but I like them and I have many other spending priorities, including a mortgage, school for my kid, money for a new car, etc.
It depends on what you mean by "bad." A lot of people tend to equate bad with cheap.

This is how I took it. The Purple Plastic Plank was £45 on ebay, it's a Wesley which is a Chinese import. It was bought as a project to try and make a giggable guitar for £200. It's cost £205 and turned out as a good guitar to play and I've gigged with it many times.
It depends on what you mean by "bad." A lot of people tend to equate bad with cheap. If that's the case, there many people who can't afford $3,000 guitars or $1,000 guitars or $700 guitars. Other people can, but have other spending priorities.

I could probably afford a $2,000 guitar if I really wanted one, but I've never spent more than $700 on a guitar. Many guitar players would call my guitars "bad," but I like them and I have many other spending priorities, including a mortgage, school for my kid, money for a new car, etc.

I specifically did not mention cost because I well... Do not believe that amount paid really has anything to do with a "Good" or "Bad" guitar.

I have some very low cost guitars (Charvel Model2: $159 in 1987) that are of amazing quality and playability. I also have some rather expensive instruments that are quite amazing.

Spending more does not guarantee that you won't end up with a bad piece.

Please do not get me wrong on this. Back in the 80's I bought some real dogs because I had gas for them. This was long before I had a mental checklist of what a guitar must have for me to pull the trigger on buying it.

Now I live by pretty much one rule with the pieces that I have. If I do not play it on a regular basis then it goes on the block. That and you can't polish a turd.
This is my current fav cheapie.
Squier hardtail plywood body
Dragonfire pickups and guard
Allparts neck from Modern Saint.
Neck plays great,
It's light as a feather.
The most surprising thing is it's versatility. The DF pickups clean up real nicely with no mud with the vol rolled off.
Or it can spit metal fire, if you are into that.


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Mine would have to be one that I passed on to someone else this past year.

It was an Oscar Schmidt OE-40 jazz box. It weighed a ton, and tended to feedback easily. I thought about upgrading the electronics, but never got around to it. It didn't get regular play, but every time I picked it up again, I really enjoyed playing it. After I got it, I took it to be professionally set up (I didn't know how to handle the floating bridge back then), and felt funny because it was an Oscar Schmidt in a shop that handled some of Nashville's finest guitars. They told me that it was an excellent guitar, with a great sound.

The Oscar Schmidt OE-40 is obviously on the left. The Ibanez EW20ASE Exotic Wood Figuered Ash A-E in the picture is probably a close second. It was an all laminate guitar that didn't have much volume when it was unplugged. When it was plugged in, though, it sounded great. I traded it in on a new guitar at the local music store, and it was only in the store for one day before a guy bought it to be his stage guitar.
Now I live by pretty much one rule with the pieces that I have. If I do not play it on a regular basis then it goes on the block. That and you can't polish a turd.

One of the advantages of playing mid-priced guitars and below -- you never know what you're missing with expensive ones.
Nah, I really don't have any crappy guitars. I can't justify buying cheapos, since I have to cough up anywhere from $250-$450 to have the frets replaced with nickel free and stainless steel free ones, that won't make my immune system throw a temper tantrum, and cause my dermatitis to flare up again. Also, after 36 years of playing, I've become kind of picky about what I like playability-wise and sound-wise in guitars. I have some guitars that I favor more than others, but none of them are crappy guitars.
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i don't have any bad guitars. i have guitars that some people don't like for various reasons. but i didn't buy them for anyone else but me.
$69 SX single humbucker mini strat. It's actually better quality than the Squier mini I bought years ago. I bought it purely for novelty.

Sorry, no still pictures -- just a silly video. I was trying to figure out how to make chroma effects work.
