what's the oldest guitar you've played that you really liked?

1958 Les Paul Special, TV yellow, double cut. I sold it like an idiot, but that guitar rocked. When I bought my 2000 PRS McCarty, it was like the ghost of the '58 and I think it still might be my favorite guitar I own now. Also had a 1963 Duo Sonic that was a very special guitar. I sold that too but the new owner had me replace the pickups and I have the originals in the neck and bridge on one of my strats now. I missed it and bought a 1967 Duo Sonic and hated it; only kept it about a month. Go figure... I have a 1974 SG Standard now that is a screamer. Really acoustically loud and rings like a bell. I've had older guitars, but none that excited me like these three.

you've had some great older guitars, by the sound of it. for what it's worth, i am a huge fan of the McCarty model PRS. here's a pic of my 2001 McCarty. it has been a gigging staple, alongside my 2003 LP.

you've had some great older guitars, by the sound of it. for what it's worth, i am a huge fan of the McCarty model PRS. here's a pic of my 2001 McCarty. it has been a gigging staple, alongside my 2003 LP.


I've never played a McCarty that I didn't love :)
A friend of mine has a '57 LP Special and a '59 (I think) Tele that he's let me play a handful of times. Both AWESOME guitars.
I had a 63 telecaster custom back int he 80's. Despite my hatred of vintage frets and curvy necks, that guitar was really, really nice. It was candy apple red with cream binding. To date, it is the only real 'golden age' guitar I have enjoyed. I also really loved my friend Tom's 74 SG. A fantastic example that not all Norlin Gibsons are bad.
Not that old, but a friends '72 Les Paul Custom was absolutely epic.

Everytime I think of that guitar, like now thanks :mad:..I get massive GAS for a black LP Custom.
My neighbor has a Gibson B-25 from the early sixties. I LOVE that guitar.

My brother has an early 50s Gibson L125 that's pretty nice. (I've told the story before that he sold it to friend 30 years ago. Reconnected with the friend on FB. Asked if he still had the guitar. Friend said, "ya it just sits in the closet. You want it back? You can have it."
Now that I've re read the op :)o) I have to mention that I had a student with a Gibson guitar, mandolin and Mandola from the 1912-1916 years. Totally wrecked instruments though. I've played a bunch of older stuff in stores but that 58 strat is the one I would have bought.

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Probably the "59 LP that I had to sell. That thing was all stock, with a neck like a baseball bat. One thing about it that I remembered was that the burst paint underneath was fading out. Looked like crap but it sounded alright. I've since found out that Gibson used a UV sensitive paint for awhile.
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My classical. It's a 1972 Mana. I think it's from Mexico. Handmade with rosewood back and sides, a mahogany neck, and a solid spruce top. I've been playing it since college.

My favorite old electric is my '85 Heritage H-170

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I played a gig at a local Teamsters Union back in the mid-80s, the garage band I was in was the opening band. The guitarist for the main band had a Fender Tele with a serial number in the 400's. Played fantastic, nice low action, neck felt comfortable....he was a bit hesitant to let me try it out at first.
up until about four years ago, i couldn't really get into "vintage" guitars. despite the sometimes cult-like attention, i just couldn't connect with the appeal. at the time, i thought "why pay through the nose on something old, when you can get a contemporary guitar with newer specs and better consistency of build, etc." ...

then the collector "vintage" market started to tank and, as a player with some disposable income, i suddenly started to come across previously-unattainable older guitars that were now priced at a point i could get into... and you know what? there were a few that were actually REALLY great.

i'm lucky to have come across five old guitars that i really dig.

1955 Gretsch Duo-Jet

how about you? cheap or holy-grail... what gave you goosebumps?

My holy grain? That's it right there buddy. A Jet made the year I was born.

What I've been able to attain is a bit short of the mark but still nice. Oldest is a '63 Corvette. It's not the best playing guitar but it has a really gritty but cutting tone that I like a lot.

My favorite so far is a '66 Guild Starfire that's a sweet sounding and very playable guitar.


What I like about old guitars is the sense of history that you get from playing them. I also think that better materials were more readily available. The Corvette is a prime example of that. It was a student guitar in it's day but it's made of a really fine hunk of wood.
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I had a 63 telecaster custom back int he 80's. Despite my hatred of vintage frets and curvy necks, that guitar was really, really nice. It was candy apple red with cream binding. To date, it is the only real 'golden age' guitar I have enjoyed. I also really loved my friend Tom's 74 SG. A fantastic example that not all Norlin Gibsons are bad.

interesting coincidence... My '74 SG is extremely likeable too.