what fighting style(s) do you use?

I am a man of peace.

But when forced to do so I always like to survey the foot my opponent is bearing most of his weight on, then quickly calculate the missing table leg or angle they will fall most easily, and try to strike their head at the angle that will send them in that direction. If they throw something in the meantime I use my long reach and large hands to grab the wrist they're throwing and also use that to pull them in the direction that will render them off-balance. Sometimes when you have their arm you just need to pull them in a direction quickly by running and dragging them behind. When they hit the ground I like to stomp on their face with my feet.

I will always choose love first.
I am against violence of any kind. I believe that we are all one and the only way forward is to love each other.

Therefore I rely on deterrence rather than any offensive action. To keep the peace and love in my life I have installed an intercontinental nuclear missile in my garden.

Below is my garden. And my missile.

I rely on the "So big that when I get out of the car the guy who wants to start shit goes away" school of fighting.

That literally saved me a post-gig assbeating last year after a gig where a drunk jumped on the hood of my car and then tried to say that I hit him and I needed to cough up money to keep him from going to the cops. I didn't realize that when I put the car in park the moment I thought I had actually hit him it unlocked the doors and the guy and his two buddies pulled open my now unlocked door. All I knew was that I didn't want to be sitting down if they started in on me so I stood up out of the car and towered over the main asshole they bolted. WHich is good, because I probably would have had a coronary if I needed to defend myself in any meaningful way.
I get in fights almost every single day because jealous haters challenge me all the time.

They are jealous that I drive a lifted truck. Jealous that I own a Paul Reed Smith with quilt. Jealous that I have 15 inch pythons. Jealous that I have a hot girlfriend. Jealous that I got to meet Randy Rhoads at Kmart in 1981. Jealous that I have the best vapes on the planet. Jealous that I have cleanest and whitest New Balance shoes.

I tell them I didn't invent the Game. The Game invented me. Or some type of quip like that. And then they snap. Whatever.

Anyway, I mostly use professional wrestling moves to take down would-be assailants. headlock. leg drops. jumping off furniture. camel clutch.

Occasionally I switch it up and use Mok'Bara I learned from Worf on Star Trek the Next Generation. But I feel like that makes things too easy unless I have a blindfold on hand.

Used to keep nunchucks on my person. But threw them in the river after defeating a whole gang last week. Didn't want the police to find the weapon. Though the most dangerous weapon is always my mind. That and the tactical gear I purchased at the mall.

Anyone else tired of whipping so much ass?
Lay off the weed man.

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