what fighting style(s) do you use?

I get in fights almost every single day because jealous haters challenge me all the time.

They are jealous that I drive a lifted truck. Jealous that I own a Paul Reed Smith with quilt. Jealous that I have 15 inch pythons. Jealous that I have a hot girlfriend. Jealous that I got to meet Randy Rhoads at Kmart in 1981. Jealous that I have the best vapes on the planet. Jealous that I have cleanest and whitest New Balance shoes.

I tell them I didn't invent the Game. The Game invented me. Or some type of quip like that. And then they snap. Whatever.

Anyway, I mostly use professional wrestling moves to take down would-be assailants. headlock. leg drops. jumping off furniture. camel clutch.

Occasionally I switch it up and use Mok'Bara I learned from Worf on Star Trek the Next Generation. But I feel like that makes things too easy unless I have a blindfold on hand.

Used to keep nunchucks on my person. But threw them in the river after defeating a whole gang last week. Didn't want the police to find the weapon. Though the most dangerous weapon is always my mind. That and the tactical gear I purchased at the mall.

Anyone else tired of whipping so much ass?