welcome to "ask Help!I'maRock!"

How many farts would be produced if you consumed this can of beanz??

Well, babies don't grow on trees, ya' know.
Ah, but this is a question thread, so:

If you could trade lives with one person for an entire day who would it be and why?

Joey Votto. So when I walked down the street people could say, "hey, Votto!"
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If you put this thread in a box with a cat and Kevin Dubrow, is both alive and dead, or just really fucking creepy?
I hate to do this but..... the thread's called "Welcome to ask Help!I'maRock".... not "Get Answers From Help!I'maRock". You asked your question. You got your money's worth as advertised.

This answer brought to you by the Help!I'maRock Legal Team.

If that is the case,

How many strats does Help!I'maRock burn instead of firewood?
How many Tube Screamers will Help!I'maRock throw in the lake?
When will Jelloman meet Help!I'maRock?

If you put this thread in a box with a cat and Kevin Dubrow, is both alive and dead, or just really fucking creepy?

Hmmm.....Schrodinger's Dubrow - one to think about??
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