STAR WARS - Hot take.....

Loved the OT when I was growing up.

Phantom Menace was one of those initial “this is why we can’t have nice things” learning moments in my teenage life.

I’ve kinda come to the conclusion that all of the good Star Wars stuff is basically western and samurai movies and serials. Lots of quiet and silent moments across the plains. But with robots.

Pretty much all of that got missed. Oddly, some of the shows are better by virtue of being drawn out and having a much smaller budget.
I’ve kinda come to the conclusion that all of the good Star Wars stuff is basically western and samurai movies and serials. Lots of quiet and silent moments across the plains. But with robots.

This. The Mandolorian is this writ large. It's almost spot-the-references.

I very much enjoyed Mando, and by extension, the Boba Fett series (as it filled in back story between Mando 2 and 3).

But I'm not a big SW fanboi. Saw the OT way back when, but watched ESB and ROTJ on rented VHS. So I don't carry around all the baggage that comes with full immersion.

I never saw the prequels. I enjoyed the last three, somewhat. But the wife and went to them on Christmas Day or NY day as date films, not as essential entries into the canon. We were entertained.

The finale of the Mandolorian said it best - drop a spaceship on their head.
Revenge of the Sith is being rereleased on April 25 just in case you missed it the first time. FWIW the dialogue is terrible and the acting sucks so there are some very dramatic moments in which half the audience will be giggling. It’s a shame that Lucas directed this himself instead of learning from the hatred the first two prequels got, because it had the potential to be a great film.
This. The Mandolorian is this writ large. It's almost spot-the-references.

I very much enjoyed Mando, and by extension, the Boba Fett series (as it filled in back story between Mando 2 and 3).

But I'm not a big SW fanboi. Saw the OT way back when, but watched ESB and ROTJ on rented VHS. So I don't carry around all the baggage that comes with full immersion.

I never saw the prequels. I enjoyed the last three, somewhat. But the wife and went to them on Christmas Day or NY day as date films, not as essential entries into the canon. We were entertained.

The finale of the Mandolorian said it best - drop a spaceship on their head.

Yeah. David Carradine would’ve fit right in.

It did remind me a lot of Xena, though.
George Lucas borrowed from a lot of sources. But, that’s not unique in cinema, music, art or technology. Literally, everything is a remix.

I give Lucas credit for borrowing his ideas from multiple sources. That’s the way its supposed to work. The laziest people just copy from one source and, maybe, change a few minor things.

Original ideas do not spring forth out of nothing. They are built upon what came before. The principles of creation are: Copy, Combine, Transform.

This post is a remix of ideas copied, combined and transformed by the Kirby Ferguson series, “Everything Is A Remix.”

Here is a great YT summary of some of the sources George Lucas borrowed from to make his original Star Wars….
I especially like the scene where they fight over who will throw the one-condom-to-bind-them-all into the campfire.

This doesn’t sound at all like the Barebacks that I remember from on the big screen, much less the extended ‘unprotected’ version.
Could you imagine how great it would be if the Star Wars movies were done well?

I'm not even sure if y’all are true fans
Here's some raw dog action here: