STAR WARS - Hot take.....


Funkasaurus Rex
After watching the trailer for the upcoming Andor season 2, the entirety of the movie, animation, and all of Disney Plus content for the entire Star Wars universe could be improved by...

Eliminating the three Prequel movies
Eliminating the three Kylo movies.


Andor and Rogue One are the superior prequel sagas in setting up the dystopian universe of Star Wars, and also better integrates the mystery of The Force.

The OG trilogy is THE Trilogy... and I'll fuckin' cut any of you hobbit fuckers that try to say otherwise. :mad:

For my playlist, ObiWan and Asoka would be watched after the original Trilogy as to not give away Vader's backstory.... but then continue on with Book of Boba Fett and Mandalorian.

I enjoyed The Mandalorian and Rogue One. I agree that the Kylo movies, and the Anakin movies for that matter, sucked. The OG Trilogy is great, although how many times are they going to blow up an indestructible plane-size space ship? I have not seen the other shows you referenced.
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I enjoyed The Mandalorian and Rogue One. I agree that the Kylo movies, and the Anakin movies for that matter, sucked. The OG Trilogy is great, although how many times are they going to blow up an indestructible plane-size space ship? I have not seen the other shows you referenced.

If you liked Rogue One... you will like Andor Season 1 and the upcoming 2. It sets up Rogue One in the same weird way that you know most of the characters must not survive because the opening moments of Star Wars are based on one of the things they accomplished, but then you never hear about them again... but that's almost like a murder mystery that opens with "You know someone died, but you don't know who or how... now let's begin." :baimun:
It's a shame that George Lucas and Disney shit the bed so many times. By all accounts, Andor is good, yet few are watching. I might get around to watching it at some point, or not.

A New Hope was a big deal to me when I first saw it in the theater. The Empire Strikes back was an excellent follow up. Most of what followed was less interesting to me.

Rogue One was decent. Revenge Of The Sith had it's moments.

I feel like I've outgrown the franchise.
The prequels are much, much better than the sequels in my opinion. The prequel films have their flaws but at least there is somewhat of a consistent story arc across the three films, and I'd say Revenge of the Sith is a better movie than Return of the Jedi. It felt like Star Wars worldbuilding and storytelling to me. (Let's not talk about Jar Jar though.)

The entire recent sequel trilogy takes place over the span of what, a couple weeks? The story makes no sense, the three films are disjointed as hell, and of course "somehow, Palpatine returned." Rise of Skywalker was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I left the theater angry and I usually don't do that.

Andor is indeed great as was the Obi-Wan series. I couldn't make it past the first couple episodes of the Boba Fett or Ahsoka shows, though. The first one was just bad, and having never watched Clone Wars I had no real interest in Ahsoka's character.
The prequels are much, much better than the sequels in my opinion. The prequel films have their flaws but at least there is somewhat of a consistent story arc across the three films, and I'd say Revenge of the Sith is a better movie than Return of the Jedi. It felt like Star Wars worldbuilding and storytelling to me. (Let's not talk about Jar Jar though.)

I would agree that Revenge of the Sith is the best of the three Prequels and 3 postquels... EXCEPT... it needs the "NOOOOOooooooo... " removed. Fuck that is some Greedo shot first bullshit. :facepalm:
I'll agree the OT was the absolute best. The prequels were a missed opportunity, but I really liked ROTS, even though Anakin's fall to the dark side could have been handled a bit better. What made the OT great is that every major character had growth and they were changed by the events they experienced. Luke grew up from being a day dreamer farm boy who wanted adventure, to an intelligent and powerful Jedi who also had a lot of compassion for the people he cared about(this is where I do like the prequel trilogy in that it showed how the Jedi became to indifferent and detached from those outside their order). Han grew from a profit seeking selfish and skeptical smuggler, to a man who care enough about a cause to fight for it, and along the way he fell in love and learned to care about someone other than himself. Darth Vader went from a brutal enforcer full of hate and rage to a man that was fighting his own feelings to eventually he came back to the roots of who he was before he fell to the Dark Side, ultimately sacrificing himself to save his son.

The Kylo movies sucked completely, and they pissed me off, because the nullified all that was accomplished in the OT. IMO they don't exist. I'll stick with the story line from the EU novels, as it made more sense, and captured the essence of GL's vision.

The prequels should have started where Episode II ended and followed what eventually became The Clone wars series and then ended with the events of Rogue One given the fact that Star Wars was supposed to be an homage to the Sci Fi serials like Flash Gordon. The experiences that Anakin had during the war could have been used to lead to his eventual fall to the Dark Side.
I just don't have the time or patience to watch everything the they put out. Jesus.

I did watch Rogue one and liked it.
What would be cool is to pull the plug on the Disney Star Wars Franchise. Reboot the whole thing as a gritty, adult version. Put, Vince Gilligan, the creator of Breaking Bad, in charge of it. Then, you might have something interesting.
What would be cool is to pull the plug on the Disney Star Wars Franchise. Reboot the whole thing as a gritty, adult version. Put, Vince Gilligan, the creator of Breaking Bad, in charge of it. Then, you might have something interesting.

I would love to see an animated one-off based on the original Ralph McQuarrie artwork... Luke Starkiller.

What a timely posting I happened to do today….


Ding dong the wicked witch of Star Wars is finally stepping down at the end of the year. We can only hope that Jon Favrea and/or Dave Filoni are tapped to lead the Star Wars branch of the company as they’ve given is the best SW content in years.
Rogue One kinda blows.

Here’s the deal with Star Wars—it’s a limited little world made up of bogarted Arthurian junk and discount Flash Gordon shit. A lot of cool nerds and film dorks accidentally made three cool movies in the 70s and 80s when there wasn’t much like Star Wars happening and therefore fell ass backwards into legendary status.

It’s not a world/universe and there’s no cohesive vision or riotous open-ended possibility. It’s an airless, joyless hellscape beyond the three originals and everything else is diminishing returns. No one can do anything truly cool with it because the fanbase sucks. I mean some of the spinoff stuff can be mildly amusing, but it’s not as cool as the original shit so maybe we should just shut it down.

Also, gritty adult Star Wars is a silly prospect. The originals are movies for 12 year olds.

The original Star Wars is a charming cinematic miracle. Empire Stikes Back is wonderful and really the film all of the Star Wars hype rests on. Jedi is fine but it becomes somewhat boring/rote after the Jabba stuff.
What a timely posting I happened to do today….


Ding dong the wicked witch of Star Wars is finally stepping down at the end of the year. We can only hope that Jon Favrea and/or Dave Filoni are tapped to lead the Star Wars branch of the company as they’ve given is the best SW content in years.
Good fucking riddance. Maybe the next trilogy will actually be planned before they start filming part three. And maybe they’ll actually try learning from their failures instead of just claiming that the fan base is all sexist males.
The OG was groundbreaking in terms of special effects in 77 so it has that going for it. Frankly, though like almost everyone I did go see it, I didn't really like it. Too much white hat black hat stuff. I liked the Empire strikes back much more as there was at least some plot twists to a degree. I didn't like any of the prequels and fortunately didn't go to see them in the theatre so didn't cost me anything to be disappointed. I did like Rogue One in that it handles that "a lot of people died to get this information" comment in the first Star Wars (it will never be the New Hope to me, just Star Wars)
The OG was groundbreaking in terms of special effects in 77 so it has that going for it. Frankly, though like almost everyone I did go see it, I didn't really like it. Too much white hat black hat stuff. I liked the Empire strikes back much more as there was at least some plot twists to a degree. I didn't like any of the prequels and fortunately didn't go to see them in the theatre so didn't cost me anything to be disappointed. I did like Rogue One in that it handles that "a lot of people died to get this information" comment in the first Star Wars (it will never be the New Hope to me, just Star Wars)
I’m still waiting for Many Bothans: A Star Wars Story
Good fucking riddance. Maybe the next trilogy will actually be planned before they start filming part three. And maybe they’ll actually try learning from their failures instead of just claiming that the fan base is all sexist males.
One can hope.
What a timely posting I happened to do today….


Ding dong the wicked witch of Star Wars is finally stepping down at the end of the year. We can only hope that Jon Favrea and/or Dave Filoni are tapped to lead the Star Wars branch of the company as they’ve given is the best SW content in years.

Good fucking riddance. Maybe the next trilogy will actually be planned before they start filming part three. And maybe they’ll actually try learning from their failures instead of just claiming that the fan base is all sexist males.

One can hope.

I'm not holding my breath. If they had fired her, it could indicate the studio was headed for a course correction. However, she decided to leave on her own, at the end of her contract.

If the studio cleans house of the personnel Kennedy nurtured and influenced after she's gone, I'll take it as a good sign. The studio needs to hire people who understand how to entertain an audience. It seems simple enough, yet it's an elusive quality in the entertainment industry these days. Go figure.