Married 1983.
Math is hard!bitches be shoppin'
My sister has been married over 40 years. Once, I asked her, “What’s the secret to a long marriage?” She said, “Lowered expectations.” Lol!I'm wondering if I'm the biggest loser: Coming up on 45th wedding anniversary this fall. I think I lack ambition. Anyway - discovered the secret long ago: Low expectations. Nice thing is - it works for all sexes!!!!
Happy anniversary!Today is my 20th wedding anniversary, but I'm giving some thought to the wisdom of Tim "the Tool Man" Taylor.
Nice family picture. Just think, someday soon, your daughter in the pic will bring home a fine young man, much like me.
My wife and I are coming up on 30 years. It's my second rodeo her first. We were friends first before we were lovers and, like you, we are still best friends. We fight over stupid non important stuff typically but are generally lock step over the important things. Which is another reason we are still together. Though there are things I would change I cannot imagine a world that she isn't in with me.We're coming up on our 25th anniversary soon. We both have our fucked up moments, but manage to get through all the major challenges. We are best friends. In a world where people are constantly fucking you over, it's critical to have one person you can completely trust.
bitches be shoppin'
I'm pretty sure my wife and I contribute about 32.5+32.5 which adds up to 65%. I know people are thinking, that means our marriage is a D. But, we grade on a curve, so it's a passing grade.I remember an interview with a couple on their 75th anniversary who were asked what’s the secret of a long marriage. They answered, “Some people say a marriage is a 50-50 relationship. We’re here to tell you, a long lasting relationship is 100-100.”