Dig it! Side Boob Attack

God damn I hate tattoos.
amen to that...I came in here to say "enough with that shite" tattoos are tired, distracting and basically bad graffiti on a beautiful object...it's akin to "tagging " these days.Ugly and cliched.
amen to that...I came in here to say "enough with that shite" tattoos are tired, distracting and basically bad graffiti on a beautiful object...it's akin to "tagging " these days.Ugly and cliched.
Really? I personally don't want tattoos like those on my body, although I have 2. I kind of find that completely intriguing and sexy on a gorgeous woman. Just fantasizing about being with a woman like that is intoxicating....to me at least, and I suspect more than a few others as well!!