Shameless plug time – our Christmas single has been released!


Strat's all for now folks
We set out to write and record a Christmas song in the style of the old 70's songs that used to top the UK charts nearly 40 years ago.

As such, there's no metal guitars or double bass drum action, just a good old-fashioned cheesy pop song, that'll be great for any Christmas party. And we'd absolutely love it if a few of you would be kind enough to buy it.

It's got the lot : tubular bells, a brass section, some female backing vox and best of all, my 7-year old twins appear on it. Go on, buy it just for them :wink:

Check it out on iTunes - I Can't Wait For Christmas, by Slyde

Thank you for reading this outrageous plug :thu:
Is it available anywhere else? My browser doesn't speak itmss, and I don't (in line with my general disdain for any product whose name starts with a lowercase letter followed by an uppercase one) plan on changing this. :embarrassed:
Is it available anywhere else? My browser doesn't speak itmss, and I don't (in line with my general disdain for any product whose name starts with a lowercase letter followed by an uppercase one) plan on changing this. :embarrassed:

+1 :embarrassed:
Is it available anywhere else? My browser doesn't speak itmss, and I don't (in line with my general disdain for any product whose name starts with a lowercase letter followed by an uppercase one) plan on changing this. :embarrassed:

We've had a few people express similar opinions. The distribution company distribute to all the major Digital Download Services (eg: Tunecore, CDbaby etc) but the track apparently won't be live there for another few days.

Thanks very much for your interest - I'll post an update once I know when and where else it's available :thu:
That, jon, is BRILLIANT! I liked it on the first hearing. I have no such qualms about lower case letters and as such have purchased it from iTunes. When you're rich and famous please send a few cast off hookers and blow my way.

Seriously though, a great tune. Very Christmassy. If you'd released it in 1975 you would now be a (admittedly quite old) Rock God.
Thanks Acadia, your comments are really appreciated :thu:

Once I have bought the Bentley, I shall drive over to Germany and deliver the hookers personally.
Is it available anywhere else? My browser doesn't speak itmss, and I don't (in line with my general disdain for any product whose name starts with a lowercase letter followed by an uppercase one) plan on changing this. :embarrassed:

+3 or whatever
Bump. Because it makes me chuckle, and also because I'm sure that jonPhillips is too sound a chap to keep on spamming us. Probly.