OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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I would take Nixon again over Trump any day. At least he was coherent when he spoke, albeit batshit crazy.

Good to know how low the bar is.

Well if you think about it Watergate did absolutely nothing to impact his reelection. They were just playing spies without any realistic plan (yes they wanted McGovern to win the primaries with the idea that he would be an easier opponent for Nixon to beat). The coverup was just another bunch of crimes still related to their useless plot. Nixon did send the IRS after anti-war activists. Yes he bombed Cambodia (Robert McNamara's plan) and lied to the American public and Congress about it, but remember that the entire Vietnam war was started as a "police action", war was never declared and Congress never had the ability to vote on it. The entire war was illegal and not started on Nixon's watch. It was GW Bush who started America's longest and most useless war. Of course Wikipedia and other sites list the Vietnam war as longer, but the extra decade they are counting is way before any American military troops were sent.

Nixon was an avid law-breaker, but not a blathering moron. Because Trump is an idiot, he may accidentally start WWIII, cause irreversible damage to the planet, send the economy spiraling into a downfall we won't recover from, or might unwittingly do some good things, broker peace between the 2 Koreas (doubtful, but who knows?). With Trump we are all forced to be potential victims in a game of Russian roulette.
Judge tosses Manafort lawsuit challenging Mueller's authority

"A federal judge on Friday tossed out former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort's lawsuit challenging the scope of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation."

"A civil case is not the appropriate vehicle for taking issue with what a prosecutor has done in the past or where he might be headed in the future," wrote Berman Jackson, who was appointed by President Obama.

"It is a sound and well-established principle that a court should not exercise its equitable powers to interfere with or enjoin an ongoing criminal investigation when the defendant will have the opportunity to challenge any defect in the prosecution in the trial court or on direct appeal.

"Therefore, the Court finds that this civil complaint must be dismissed."
[the trial is set for september, btw]

speaking of manafort's upcoming trial......this should become interesting.....

Lawyer Who Was Said to Have Dirt on Clinton Had Closer Ties to Kremlin Than She Let On

"The Russian lawyer
who met with Trump campaign officials in Trump Tower in June 2016 on the premise that she would deliver damaging information about Hillary Clinton has long insisted she is a private attorney, not a Kremlin operative trying to meddle in the presidential election."

"But newly released emails show that in at least one instance two years earlier, the lawyer, Natalia V. Veselnitskaya, worked hand in glove with Russia’s chief legal office to thwart a Justice Department civil fraud case against a well-connected Russian firm."

"Ms. Veselnitskaya also appears to have recanted her earlier denials of Russian government ties. During an interview to be broadcast Friday by NBC News, she acknowledged that she was not merely a private lawyer but a source of information for a top Kremlin official, Yuri Y. Chaika, the prosecutor general."

“I am a lawyer, and I am an informant,” she said. “Since 2013, I have been actively communicating with the office of the Russian prosecutor general.”

edit: this is going to drag Jr. & Kushner into the trial also.
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Well if you think about it Watergate did absolutely nothing to impact his reelection. They were just playing spies without any realistic plan (yes they wanted McGovern to win the primaries with the idea that he would be an easier opponent for Nixon to beat). The coverup was just another bunch of crimes still related to their useless plot. Nixon did send the IRS after anti-war activists. Yes he bombed Cambodia (Robert McNamara's plan) and lied to the American public and Congress about it, but remember that the entire Vietnam war was started as a "police action", war was never declared and Congress never had the ability to vote on it. The entire war was illegal and not started on Nixon's watch. It was GW Bush who started America's longest and most useless war. Of course Wikipedia and other sites list the Vietnam war as longer, but the extra decade they are counting is way before any American military troops were sent.

Nixon was an avid law-breaker, but not a blathering moron. Because Trump is an idiot, he may accidentally start WWIII, cause irreversible damage to the planet, send the economy spiraling into a downfall we won't recover from, or might unwittingly do some good things, broker peace between the 2 Koreas (doubtful, but who knows?). With Trump we are all forced to be potential victims in a game of Russian roulette.

Watergate demonstrated the out of control hubris of the post-FDR imperial presidencies as well as Nixon’s clear and present personal paranoia. It was a little window into the insanity of the perpetual war state and a deep dive into just what filth the establishment would get up to in order to maintain order and control.

It was sparked by the mad fury re: the Pentagon Papers and fueled by the need for TOTAL WAR vs. domestic political opponents. It was Cold War psychopathy waged against Americans because something something...a paranoid fever dream about decline and dystopia and racial impurity and fussy elites and guns, dope, and fucking in the streets.

It’s like every high school coach’s insane rant about how a slip up in the little things will ruin everything blown up to the national level. Give em and inch and it’ll be bedlam.

Trump is impossible without Nixon as an example. Or LBJ as an example for that matter.
Watergate demonstrated the out of control hubris of the post-FDR imperial presidencies as well as Nixon’s clear and present personal paranoia. It was a little window into the insanity of the perpetual war state and a deep dive into just what filth the establishment would get up to in order to maintain order and control.

It was sparked by the mad fury re: the Pentagon Papers and fueled by the need for TOTAL WAR vs. domestic political opponents. It was Cold War psychopathy waged against Americans because something something...a paranoid fever dream about decline and dystopia and racial impurity and fussy elites and guns, dope, and fucking in the streets.

It’s like every high school coach’s insane rant about how a slip up in the little things will ruin everything blown up to the national level. Give em and inch and it’ll be bedlam.

Trump is impossible without Nixon as an example. Or LBJ as an example for that matter.

Yeah, Watergate served as the midwife for America’s conspiracy theorist subconscious, which had had always been there but had been largely quarantined. Next thing you know, you’ve got an epidemic of people who think they’re Napoleon and who are deeply paranoid of being disarmed and sent into exile on St Helena.
Who knows. Humans are pattern seeking animals and we superimpose them even when they don't exist. You are clearly human.

Trump as a political creature is advised by unrepentant Nixon scum (Stone) and has used the apparatus of the modern post-Nixon/post-Reagan GOP to come to power—a process that implicitly requires the racialized Southern Strategy and the mobilization of aggrevied working class Rust Belt whites (Reagan Democrats). The modern GOP is grounded in a paranoid tough guy foreign policy designed and implemented by Nixon flunkies like Cheney and Rumsfeld taking the lessons of Nixon and Kissinger to their logical conclusions.

Plus Trumpism is fueled by conspiracy thought that was given legs by the exposure of Nixon’s REAL LIFE CONSPIRACIES. The POTUS really can be a power mad the tin foil hat crowd could be right. OMG!

Maybe a thousand monkeys at a thousand typewriters could make Trump happen without Nixon, but Nixon makes Trump both possible and likely.
Yeah, Watergate served as the midwife for America’s conspiracy theorist subconscious, which had had always been there but had been largely quarantined.

conspiracy theories in the 60s before Nixon and in the 70s after Nixon look pretty much the same. The moon landing being faked got mass media coverage long before Watergate. The news media would jump at the chance to cover anything like that back then, and they did.
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conspiracy theories in the 60s before Nixon and in the 70s after Nixon look pretty much the same. The moon landing being faked got mass media coverage long before Watergate. The news media would jump at the chance to cover anything like that back then, and they did.

Watergate was a conspiracy that turned out to be true. It’s like how the okapi gives hope to every cryptozoology buff.
conspiracy theories in the 60s before Nixon and in the 70s after Nixon look pretty much the same. The moon landing being faked got mass media coverage long before Watergate. The news media would jump at the chance to cover anything like that back then, and they did.
Area 51

it goes way back before the moon and watergate.
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