OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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FWIW, I'd much rather politicians get protested because of their policy instead of for personal prejudices. And if that gets people to the booth, then great.
I have no problem with folks protesting. That has always been a part of how things get done in this country. I'm all for it. Protesting and harassment are not the same thing though. Protesting implies an organized, hopefully nonviolent group, for or against a cause or policy. Chasing down an individual and shouting personal insults (e.g. turtle neck) is quite different and falls into the harassment category.
Mum and I were talking about this at lunch today, and she said she didn't see a problem with harassing his lackeys, but that they shouldn't be bothered when their with their family or kids, etc.

I said until these spineless sacks of cheeto-curdled smegma deal with separating families and holding children in kennels, they're all fair game.

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I think she's probably based on real-life scary zealot zombie Michelle Bachmann:

Way scarier. Nice string of pearls, Mrs. Junior League/Temperance Society queen.
I have no problem with folks protesting. That has always been a part of how things get done in this country. I'm all for it. Protesting and harassment are not the same thing though. Protesting implies an organized, hopefully nonviolent group, for or against a cause or policy. Chasing down an individual and shouting personal insults (e.g. turtle neck) is quite different and falls into the harassment category.

Chasing down Mitch McConnell and yelling stupid insults is still non-violent, IMO. The question is, why are they yelling insults at him? Is it because he's a filthy Republican and all Republicans must be stopped? Or is it because he supports institutional racism, and institutional racism should be stopped? So long as it's the latter, I'm totally fine with it.
Chasing down Mitch McConnell and yelling stupid insults is still non-violent, IMO. The question is, why are they yelling insults at him? Is it because he's a filthy Republican and all Republicans must be stopped? Or is it because he supports institutional racism, and institutional racism should be stopped? So long as it's the latter, I'm totally fine with it.
Yes, so far it has been nonviolent. I just hope it stays that way. In any case, I'm not sure how effective it is for anything other than creating entertaining video clips...and the real victim here is the sushi. $80 worth of sushi in the trash can? We can all agree that is just wrong.
Chasing down Mitch McConnell and yelling stupid insults is still non-violent, IMO. The question is, why are they yelling insults at him? Is it because he's a filthy Republican and all Republicans must be stopped? Or is it because he supports institutional racism, and institutional racism should be stopped? So long as it's the latter, I'm totally fine with it.

At this point, Republicans vs. people who support institutional racism... this is six-of-one vs. half-a-dozen of the other.
Chasing down Mitch McConnell and yelling stupid insults is still non-violent, IMO. The question is, why are they yelling insults at him? Is it because he's a filthy Republican and all Republicans must be stopped? Or is it because he supports institutional racism, and institutional racism should be stopped? So long as it's the latter, I'm totally fine with it.

That's the thing. I think it's obvious I am very left. Years ago I ran into Bob Dole in DC. I said hello nice to meet you, and shook his good hand. If I were to run into someone from the Trump administration, I don't think my response would be the same. I am hoping these confrontations are not party driven and would like to think if any other person was in the White House, they wouldn't be happening.
That's the thing. I think it's obvious I am very left. Years ago I ran into Bob Dole in DC. I said hello nice to meet you, and shook his good hand. If I were to run into someone from the Trump administration, I don't think my response would be the same. I am hoping these confrontations are not party driven and would like to think if any other person was in the White House, they wouldn't be happening.

I think it's Trump combined with the accessibility of social media. People are watching more closely, it's easier to "get involved", and it's also easier to get on the news.
I think it's Trump combined with the accessibility of social media. People are watching more closely, it's easier to "get involved", and it's also easier to get on the news.

If I ran into them, I wouldn't want it taped, on the news or social media. I would just want them to hear what I have to say but I know for some, they are looking for that.
Half of the Democrats also support institutional racism, and only do anything about it when it's politically advantageous to them (see: Andrew Cuomo). They should be called out as well.

I don’t disagree with that. But I think that equivocating is dangerous.

I’m all for unseating right-leaning Dems. I’m for third parties. I’m for legislation that would make third parties viable, such as instant-runoff voting.

But on a federal level, and in the big picture, there’s no equivocating. There is no saving the GOP, morally or intellectually. I can’t think of a single issue on which future historians will take their side on. Which isn’t to say that it won’t survive decades.
If I ran into them, I wouldn't want it taped, on the news or social media. I would just want them to hear what I have to say but I know for some, they are looking for that.

If you see Politician X in a restaurant and say anything to them, you can be certain someone will whip out their smartphone and post the video.
That's the thing. I think it's obvious I am very left. Years ago I ran into Bob Dole in DC. I said hello nice to meet you, and shook his good hand. If I were to run into someone from the Trump administration, I don't think my response would be the same. I am hoping these confrontations are not party driven and would like to think if any other person was in the White House, they wouldn't be happening.

That’s the thing. Fight the impulse to normalize the unacceptable.
I don’t disagree with that. But I think that equivocating is dangerous.

I’m all for unseating right-leaning Dems. I’m for third parties. I’m for legislation that would make third parties viable, such as instant-runoff voting.

But on a federal level, and in the big picture, there’s no equivocating. There is no saving the GOP, morally or intellectually. I can’t think of a single issue on which future historians will take their side on. Which isn’t to say that it won’t survive decades.

Change "Republican" for "Democrat" and you're a writer for National Review.
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