OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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The defense rests. :embarrassed:

As in the last thread, I am happy to change the title to reflect the will of the group. I went with Spock because of this amazing Christmas ornament and our proximity to Easter. Apologies if this is offensive to anyone.

i'll just leave this here.

Homeland Security to compile database of journalists, media influencers

The Department of Homeland Security posted a contract request this week for "Media Monitoring Services," which will compile a database of hundreds of thousands of journalists, bloggers and "media influencers" for the federal government. After an outcry on social media, a Department of Homeland Security spokesman tweeted "this is nothing more than the standard practice of monitoring current events in the media."
*blood begins to boil*
I still like the part where everyone tries to explain to Trump how the Post Office works really works, and he just refuses to believe them because he hates Bezos and Amazon. It's like someone created a caricature of the worst, dumbest, most ego-bound and aggressively incompetent "unfireable relative of the owner" type middle manager, and then made him President of the United States. :facepalm: Oh, I can't even imagine the self-loathing that the members of his staff who are actually sentient must experience on a daily basis.
if they're still working for him, then they deserve all that they get. if they still work for him, then they clearly believe the party is above the law and ethics.
did Hogg actually say "generations before us don't know what it's like....." ?
if he did, then that is a spectacularly stupid statement.

Pro-tip: If conservative media or memes make a claim, you will be quite fucking safe in assuming that the claim is shamelessly false until authoritatively demonstrated otherwise.

Live by that rule and you will rarely/never be proven wrong.
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