i'll have to wait until after work.
Chase that video with this one for comic relief:
i'll have to wait until after work.
this admin. is just one gigantic money grab.drain the swamp?
Zinke linked to real estate deal with Halliburton chairman
Just pointing out that America has plenty of “third-parties” and one could absolutely make a case that Trump is really a third party candidate that usurped the GOP...and that’s significant part of his appeal. The same would apply to Sanders.
Unlikely. Though moving to California and voting as a veritable outsider, it does look like I'll vote for Newsom in the hope he's Jerry Brown II: Electric Boogaloo.
in a perfect (correct) country, there wouldn't be any parties. only what's good for the country and it's citizens. nothing else. no platforms. no posturing. none of it.Actually, Trump isn't the first "third party" to usurp the GOP. Do the words "Tea Party" mean anything to you? Because the GOP has ceased to stand for anything beyond adherence to whatever their corporate masters desire at any given moment, they are ripe for such incursions. The Democratic party is also increasingly becoming a relic and thus subject to periodic uprisings. I think that there may be openings in the not-distant future for the stranglehold the two-party system has on the US political landscape to be broken. There is nothing in our laws - it is merely custom and inertia - that requires our system be held hostage by two parties...
sessions no longer cares about the church, regardless of his misuse of the bible.http://www.umc.org/church-charges-brought-against-sessions.static.html?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTVRnellXSTBaVGt5WTJKaCIsInQiOiJJbTZCY1BjV1l5SVlDZGpIUFlreWdHSFZsWm9TekcxVmRJMnJpd0hwcDdcL3Q0aFRPSUxBY1wvQzFWSm9xaDI1ZDFKOTYxWkgxWjA5cnVoYjNsUVVOUzNsK3NLMGd4MEFvWjhCS05paldmN09mOXBMaXBFMnI2VE9Iem5ZNG5qaDVUIn0=
Church charges brought against Sessions
I like how the chaplain at University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, very near our first house, is involved. More progressive PNW church people. Like Hunthausen in the past.http://www.umc.org/church-charges-brought-against-sessions.static.html?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTVRnellXSTBaVGt5WTJKaCIsInQiOiJJbTZCY1BjV1l5SVlDZGpIUFlreWdHSFZsWm9TekcxVmRJMnJpd0hwcDdcL3Q0aFRPSUxBY1wvQzFWSm9xaDI1ZDFKOTYxWkgxWjA5cnVoYjNsUVVOUzNsK3NLMGd4MEFvWjhCS05paldmN09mOXBMaXBFMnI2VE9Iem5ZNG5qaDVUIn0=
Church charges brought against Sessions
Hm... Dutch politicians want to summon the US ambassador over the family separation issues... Now, as terrible as it is, summoning the ambassador of a sovereign nation over this while Europe hasn't exactly got the cleanest hands in trying to get the immigration waves under control is IMHO more than just a bit hypocritical...
I assume Wilders has already spoken against summoning the US ambassador?
best f'ing thing that could happen is shitgibbon shuts down the gov't in september......then watch what happens in november.https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/19/trump-border-wall-funding-immigration-653530
Trump loses temper over border wall funding
so, you folks have got one too.the racist drivel that that imbecile spouts is just white noise to me these days. He's like a drug addict spiralling out of control. He becomes more of a charicature of himself by the week.
so, you folks have got one too.
so, you folks have got one too.