NGD: SX Liquid CAR


Scotch Bonnet
Wow! All I have to say since opening the box. Gorgeous design, and the finish looks metallic red. Only one issue.. What do I do? Is it serious? I hope not. Pics coming shortly..




Um..send it back?

Or screw the pickups ack into the body and see if there is anything else wrong with it.
Cool guitar. I have a HH one. Try screwing the pickups in. If that doesn't work, contact Kurt and get his advice.
Yup! Got it during the recent BB price cut.

I screwed the long screws back in, pushed down on the pup and it popped back into place. Everything is good now!


For some reason I've been in love with offset guitars of all types lately.

I got the Mustang I and II at the Local Best buy...going to get a second II or maybe a III for the studio this month I think.

For some reason I've been in love with offset guitars of all types lately.

I got the Mustang I and II at the Local Best buy...going to get a second II or maybe a III for the studio this month I think.

Me too! Always been intrigued, never bit until now. And I always thought the Mustang amps or similar were pointless with all the presets, but I'm loving it so far.
Well, SX is too generic of a thing to censor. ***** and ***** are censored because the owner of that company is a liar and refuses to control his affiliates from spamming this forum.

I think I know the a-word, but what's the other that's also 5 letters?