Listen to this - New recording of original song... my first time really playing drums on a song! Please let me know what you think...


Meatus McPrepuce

I wrote this one a while ago but this is a totally new version. I'm playing everything including - for the first time on a serious recording - the drums!

So there are two drum tracks on here, one is my DrumBrute (analog drum machine) and the other is that V-Drums kit I got recently. Anything that sounds like "real" drums is me actually drumming... it's not perfect but I don't think it's too bad!

Enjoy or try to!
Totally digging that song! Great vibe. If you had said nothing about the drums, there is nothing there that would make me bat an eye. Sounds very much a part of the song!

Man, I gotta up my vocal recording game.

Bravo Sir!
Sounds funked up! Nice job, Reginald (Charles). :thu:

Just a thought. You might try mixing the middle section without the bass drum. It might work better without it.
Is that a super distorted guitar coming in at around 1:20? It's a really cool unexpected texture. Guitar solo is masterful but not showy. Overall Flaming Lips vibes with the vocal effect and weird left turns in the arrangement.
Is that a super distorted guitar coming in at around 1:20? It's a really cool unexpected texture. Guitar solo is masterful but not showy. Overall Flaming Lips vibes with the vocal effect and weird left turns in the arrangement.
Thanks! Yeah it's a guitar with a ton of delay on it...
I never thought I’d say this…

But this sounds really good. This is so mesmerizing that I can’t even remember anything about chicken tinga of the sea.
The switching from minor to major feels really good and unforced. Well done.

You liking that toggle switch on the new Les Paul?
The switching from minor to major feels really good and unforced. Well done.

You liking that toggle switch on the new Les Paul?
Ha, it's actually a Strat (I recorded it before I got the LP) and no switch involved - it's the "forbidden" gated fuzz setting on my Expandora, which stutters in and out on its own!
Cool choon. The drumming is perfectly fine, but my attention is immediately drawn to the melody and the other cool things going on. Well done!