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Is that Doug Aldrich? My concert friend brian knows his good security guard friend named Reggie. Reggie unsuccessfully tried to get Brian and I backstage at a Scorpions, Deep Purple and Dio show. Doug was in Dio at the time.
Not that I wanted to go backstage anyhow the show was great. Doug kicked ass. I saw him in Whitesnake too. A Whitesnake, Scorpions and Dokken show.I think Reggie made an empty promise for that gig too.
Just saw this, Peavey has big comeback plans it seems, between the Josh Home Decade Too and now these preamp pedals that I will definitely be interested in, between the Bandit or VTM. Also, that Decade pedal is what I've been saying we need from the old Gorilla "Tube Stack" GG25(???). I always said I wanted just the preamp section of that to drive another amp.

Putting eight DIP switches on one pedal is pretty cool. That’s a lot of tone options in one weird little box.
Putting eight DIP switches on one pedal is pretty cool. That’s a lot of tone options in one weird little box.
Unfortunately the only sound demos I can find of the original VTM are making it chug quicker than on Ola's channel. Seems nobody at all does low to mid gain.
I think Peavey amps are generally perceived as budget options that are a good bang for the buck. They are not typically seen as important vintage gear, nor boutique. Perhaps, there are exceptions, like the 5150 for example. Anyway, I have my doubts that there will be a big demand for Peavey pedals aimed at getting classic Peavey sounds. “I want my Fender to sound like a Peavey Bandit.”~Said Nobody

Don’t get me wrong. I think Bandits are solid workhorse amps. And, I happen to own a Peavey Windsor 100 watt head that I bought used cheap. I like the Windsor for what it does (swampy gain).

I hope I’m wrong about those pedals. Maybe, nostalgia will be a big driver. I wish them luck.
What is an overdrive or distortion when not a solid state preamp being fed into another amp, meanwhile Peavey has designed some of the best.
That Peavey Josh Homme amp is $300. For a ten watt solid state analog practice amp that’s probably made in China. But an original in good shape goes for $500 so I guess it’s not a bad deal.
That Peavey Josh Homme amp is $300. For a ten watt solid state analog practice amp that’s probably made in China. But an original in good shape goes for $500 so I guess it’s not a bad deal.
Yeah, I'm not in the market for that either. Some folks will though.
Just saw this, Peavey has big comeback plans it seems, between the Josh Home Decade Too and now these preamp pedals that I will definitely be interested in, between the Bandit or VTM. Also, that Decade pedal is what I've been saying we need from the old Gorilla "Tube Stack" GG25(???). I always said I wanted just the preamp section of that to drive another amp.

Misha Mansoor is also part of the design of the invective line of amps

Anyhow, this or the second gen version is on my want list

I feel like I remember saying that his son designed the body.

Doug drew it but is son was teasing him about not being able to draw for shit. :lmbo:

Honestly, he loves quirky 80's stuff and managed to come up with something workable that Gibby's lawyers can fuck right off about. Personally, I love the headstock, especially reversed with the Hipshot locking tuners. Originally I liked the Banshee shape better but the tilt headstock with the banjo tuners kinda fuck with it for me.
Doug drew it but is son was teasing him about not being able to draw for shit. :lmbo:

Honestly, he loves quirky 80's stuff and managed to come up with something workable that Gibby's lawyers can fuck right off about. Personally, I love the headstock, especially reversed with the Hipshot locking tuners. Originally I liked the Banshee shape better but the tilt headstock with the banjo tuners kinda fuck with it for me.
I keep busting Doug's chops about putting a Floyd Rose on something, but real talk is that I want a mega-sparkly Banshee with proper Firebird minihums.