my cell phone finally died - what to get?


Dyslexic b00n
Was an LG G3. Completely done - gone - wont turn on - blue screen only if I take the battery out and power it up. Completely FUBAR.

What cell phone to get. Samsung G7 any good? Didn't they all catch on fire at one point? Prefer android at this point. Hate the idea of an iPhone - though I do run a mac book for work.

My daughter broke her G5 and replaced it with a Pixel. Hearing good things about them. Personally, when I replace my Moto G I might consider the Moto Z. I find the add on backs interesting. Don't know what the extra backs cost though, and I wouldn't want to get to far into expensive add ons for something as disposable as a phone unless they were usable on future models.
It was the Note 7 that was catching on fire. I've heard nothing bad about the S7.

My LG G4 died a couple of weeks ago. I went back to my Samsung S3. It'll get me through until June when I'm due for an upgrade. Hopefully the S8 will be out by then, and I'll be able to get an S7 a little cheaper.
I recently upgraded from a Nexus 5 to a OnePlus 3. Great phone, similar spec to a Pixel for half the price and a nice vanilla Android experience. Wouldn't waste my money on a Samsung.
I got this unbreakable Motorola Droid last year and I love it. Besides the screen that can't shatter or crack (I've accidentally dropped it on concrete a couple of times) the batter can last for 2 days if I'm not blowing up the data or navigation, takes better pics than my wife's iphone, the leather back is very classy, and the speakers are plenty loud.

I don't abuse mine so the frame doesn't look like the crazy shit above... I have one teeny scuff on one corner of the silver frame. The screen is perfect.
I got this unbreakable Motorola Droid last year and I love it. Besides the screen that can't shatter or crack (I've accidentally dropped it on concrete a couple of times) the batter can last for 2 days if I'm not blowing up the data or navigation, takes better pics than my wife's iphone, the leather back is very classy, and the speakers are plenty loud.

I don't abuse mine so the frame doesn't look like the crazy shit above... I have one teeny scuff on one corner of the silver frame. The screen is perfect.

What networks can you get those for?

I'm still seriously looking at entering the cell phone world, but deciding on Verizon/AT&T/Sprint/T-Mobile, and which phone to actually spend my hard earned cash on is daunting.

I'm leaning towards either AT&T or Verizon, as both have a slightly better coverage near me in my little hick town.
I have a Samsung cheapie ( Galaxy amp2 ) that is working fine for my needs. I got it for $1.00 when I signed up with Cricket.

New it's only about $70.00 .
A minor drawback is 8 gigs of storage on the phone.
I just replaced my Nexus 5 with a Nexus 5X (got it for $300 from B&H Photo). I just had to get a new SIM card from my carrier ($20). No bloatware. I really like the phone, and it does pretty much everything the $600 -$700 iPhones do. (For the record, I have nothing against the iPhone or Apple products).
My wife has a Samsung something with the edge to edge screen. Has a stylus that inserts so you have it all the time. Great phone except for the battery. She's charging all the time. She bought a second battery and charger so she can switch them out instead of waiting for the phone to recharge; still it doesn't last for poop.

I'm on my second iPhone and my battery goes all day just like the first one I had. Because of that I'm a solid iPhone man.
My wife has a Samsung something with the edge to edge screen. Has a stylus that inserts so you have it all the time. Great phone except for the battery. She's charging all the time. She bought a second battery and charger so she can switch them out instead of waiting for the phone to recharge; still it doesn't last for poop.

Samsung Galaxy Note? Ruh-roh. I think battery not lasting is the least of your worries
I love my Galaxy S7. It's fantastic.

It's tough as fuck too, because I JUST accidentally threw it about 30 yards into a brick wall where it then landed face down in the dirt, and I'm typing this response from its pristine looking and working condition (don't ask, I'm fucking clumsy ok?).
My wife has a Samsung something with the edge to edge screen. Has a stylus that inserts so you have it all the time. Great phone except for the battery. She's charging all the time. She bought a second battery and charger so she can switch them out instead of waiting for the phone to recharge; still it doesn't last for poop.

I'm on my second iPhone and my battery goes all day just like the first one I had. Because of that I'm a solid iPhone man.

My son has been thinking about the s7 edge. Verizon has a deal on it right now, ends up costing $360. Didn't know the battery was a joke. Thanks for the heads up.