Let's Have a Funny Pic Thread! Mk 31

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Yeah, I have problems with that as well. We didn't say schools are not essential; we said children's lives are essential and we need to get them safe then figure out how to educate them. Then there is your point about alcohol withdrawal.
AFAIK, COVID-19 is more dangerous/contagious for children and elders.
Liquor stores don't have a couple of hundreds (thousands?) of elders at a given moment.
Only because you can die from alcohol detox but I get the point.
Although most schools went to remote learning so this doesn't actually make much sense being untrue.

Some schools. A great percentage of them are still figuring it out, or just plain doing nothing.
Around here, the schools were very quick in terms of distributing Chromebooks and getting off the ground re: distance learning.

I think it took Sacramento County 2 weeks to get going. NYC hasn't even begun.

Fortunately, my kid is in preschool and they got started right away.
AFAIK, COVID-19 is more dangerous/contagious for children and elders.
elders, yes; children, no (it's generally milder in children than adults - kids can still transmit it though, which is why schools, etc are closed)
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