Just watched Ted 1 for the first time...


Kick Henry Jackassowski
The scene where Ted gets kidnapped and the kid rips off Teds ear? Then during the next scenes (car chase, etc.) Teds ear is back on.

Totally ruins the movie for me. Makes the movie unrealistic, imo. Doesn't Hollywood care about realism anymore? :(

Oh yeah, and Mila Kunis

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I think it's the best thing that Seth Macfarlane has ever done, but that's really not saying much. I wished that I lived in an alternate universe where Family Guy never existed.
I love this fucking movie. So a talking Teddy Bear is realistic, but when a film has continuity issues, it's not realistic?

I hate you fucking people who think movies owe it to you to be real.

Fuck that shit. It's fake from top to bottom. Lighten the fuck up. It's a fucking movie.
Just watched this tonight. Mrs W fell asleep but I enjoyed the fuck out of it. Would have never of bothered except for the Ted 2 trailer made me laugh my ass off.
I really enjoyed Ted1 & I'm looking forward to when 2 comes to Netflix. I know someone who says it's impossible for a person to silence their personal judgement & just enjoy the movie. As someone who can do this at will, & yet has no way to convey how it's done, he drives me crazy.

I cannot watch the trailer either ( or ANY trailer for any new movie ), it just ruins it, every fucking time. If I could find the fucker who create this trend of giving away every key scene in the trailer I would seriously ruin their fucking day.:mad:
I cannot watch the trailer either ( or ANY trailer for any new movie ), it just ruins it, every fucking time. If I could find the fucker who create this trend of giving away every key scene in the trailer I would seriously ruin their fucking day.:mad:

Yeah, I was so disappointed by the movie... It was fun, but most of the cool bits were already in the trailer, so it kinda felt like watching the funny bits from the trailer with some romcom crap in between...
I liked Ted and will watch the sequel when it's available to rent. I though the first one was pretty funny.
But then, I list these two among my favorites:
I cannot watch the trailer either ( or ANY trailer for any new movie ), it just ruins it, every fucking time. If I could find the fucker who create this trend of giving away every key scene in the trailer I would seriously ruin their fucking day.:mad:

I don't know who the jackass is that put together the trailers for the new terminator movie, but don't you think having John Connor show up as an evil cyborg would be the kind of reveal that you'd keep under strict lock and key until the movie came out? Shit, if "6th Sense" were released today they would advertise it as "come see Bruce Willis as a Ghost!!"

I admit it, I like Seth McF's stuff (although I consider it a guilty pleasure). So I guess I'll have to check Ted out eventually.

The few minutes I saw last night didn't do much for me, but that wasn't a fair viewing so it doesn't count. It was the scene where Hotty McHottstress comes home and finds Ted on the couch with four prostitutes, and it made me want to choke a teddy bear.
Seth McFarlane is kinda hit or miss for me.

I loved Ted. I enjoy Family Guy.

I hated 1,000,000 Ways To Die. Hated it.

I'll see Ted2 when I can see it for free (library DVD).