WTF: I hate people


Horny bag of electric meat
A discussion that I had today for an Epiphone G-400 SG Pro that I have advertised for $325.
So many buyers are a holes. Every time I list something at a fair price I get a ridiculous response like that. It's very annoying.
I saw a text conversation meme along these lines...I don't know if it really happened but dude has something for sale:

Hey what's the lowest you'll take?
How about $300?
Sure. Why not?
Really? Where can I pick it up?
*gives address*
Hey, I'm here.The address you
gave me is a comedy club.
Yeah. Go inside and tell your jokes in there.
My partner does a car boot sale now and then. No matter what price she says something is worth you ALWAYS get idiots that just say
'one euro' no matter what you say to them. They're generally foreigners. Its just annoying to constantly say 'no, its 15 euros' to which all you hear yet again is 'one euro'

Feck off you bellend.
Quite admirable that you went through the effort of typing that entire response. I'd just reply "no" all the way until the clowning stops.
It is easy to get annoyed with people making lowball offers, but understand that it isn't likely to change. Musicians as a group tend to have short attention spans and are always chasing the next shiny object. So once they've grown tired of a guitar, pedal, or whatever, they often just want it gone and will accept any offer just so they can get rid of the object.

Musicians also tend to be broke and in constant need of funds right now (rent, gas money, etc)

Both of these facts means that making lowball offers on musical gear often yields results and as such, the practice is never going to go away.

When I sell something (be it music gear or whatever) I decide my lowest dollar, put that in the ad and add "price is firm". Cuts back on the low ballers.
This practice applies to everything you try to sell second hand. I've tried to sell some things on Craigslist, but there is so much stuff for free on there, everyone just wants you to give your stuff away now.