I got some bad news on Tuesday…

Our fight for survival is our most basic instinct.
I wish you all the best in your surgery and recovery.
Besides your wife and family and a group of great doctors, you have all of us here. That's a lot of good mojo.
Good luck with the next round of surgery.

Late seeing this as I was travelling. Surgery mojo as it is never fun but fingers and toes crossed for a good result
Spoke to my oncologist yesterday.

She said that my 2023 is going to be busy.

No surprises here, as it was basically exactly what my wife had predicted:

Surgery went really well (excluding the bleed) but there’s no removing all of it.

But since it’s been 9 years since my last doses of radiation, they think it should be safe for me to have more.

On top of that, there’s a solid chance that new chemotherapy drugs may be beneficial for me, so my samples have been mailed off for testing to figure out what drugs will be compatible with my genetics. So let’s cross our fingers.

Mixed feelings. I’m incredibly lucky. But, having done all of this before and with the novelty gone, I know that I’ll be feeling like shit for at least a year.
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