
Mark Wein

Grand Poobah
Staff member



I'm giving it a trial spin. Maybe in trade for lessons for a while since I've already spent my discretionary income for the year. It's a pretty beefy sounding tele and right along the lines of what I've been looking for without costing a ton of money. No, it's not the '74 tele I tried earlier today that I would have bought if I had a couple of grand in my pocket but this is pretty damn functional sonically for me.

The other one from earlier:


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Also, part of the tele motivation was this although everyone bringing teles to school last sememster as their backup jazz guitars was kinda of influential too.

I know what I'm about to say is heresy in a guitar forum, but I'll be the voice of fiscal responsibility. Don't buy the Tele. You don't need it. Get paid for your lessons and save the money for something you need (like a vacation, retirement, college fund). Sell the remaining stuff and save the money.

Also, don't be a guitar lemming. Just because the other kids have Teles doesn't mean you need to have a Tele. Be different - take one of those custom McFeely's to class and make the other kids jealous.

My $0.02.
I know what I'm about to say is heresy in a guitar forum, but I'll be the voice of fiscal responsibility. Don't buy the Tele. You don't need it. Get paid for your lessons and save the money for something you need (like a vacation, retirement, college fund). Sell the remaining stuff and save the money.

Also, don't be a guitar lemming. Just because the other kids have Teles doesn't mean you need to have a Tele. Be different - take one of those custom McFeely's to class and make the other kids jealous.

My $0.02.

I've actually been working towards that end (fiscal balance and less midnight terror) for the last two years. If $300 a month for two months is going to kill me then I've really been doing it wrong. And honestly its something I've wanted for a long time (a decent tele) and this is a pretty good sounding guitar for about a quarter of what I thought I'd be spending to get there. I'm still in the "trying it out phase" so if I play it on a gig or get used to it and it doesn't work than thats fine too but if this is a good match for me I'd like to lock it in before he sells it to someone else.
I like the sunburst Tele more than I like the black Tele. Based on looks, without playing either one.
I like the sunburst Tele more than I like the black Tele. Based on looks, without playing either one.
Well, thats the rub. The black one is a much superior (if beat to shit) guitar. It just doesnt' fit into my budget.
Either of the two is a good choice IMO. Teles are great do anything guitars (even jazz - not only does Julian Lage use them, but so does Ed Bickert, and Bill Frisell). Mine is often the guitar I grab when I have a sudden hankering to play something electric, or decide to make a quick trip to my favorite guitar shop to try out an amp or some pedals.
Well, because of the rain and traffic but yeah he brought it by.

It's a beauty, you should have it...

BTW, I will have you know that after we disconnected last night I sat in front to the damn computer for 40 minutes working on it...I discovered that closing my eyes helped keep time I need to start on the alternate picking...hopefully I can work in 8th notes by next week...

It's a beauty, you should have it...

BTW, I will have you know that after we disconnected last night I sat in front to the damn computer for 40 minutes working on it...I discovered that closing my eyes helped keep time I need to start on the alternate picking...hopefully I can work in 8th notes by next week...

Disconnecting your eyes from the process is good.

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After a week of play testing including two nights of cranking it through an amp in classes I think I'm gonna cut him a check for it tonight. This didn't really impact my decision but it was nice when I shot it out this afternoon with a students $6500 custom shop Tele and it sounded quite a bit better. :embarrassed:
Friends of mine have a couple Fender custom shop instruments between them...including a few telex/esquires. I've played 'em and didn't really dig them all that much.

Nice job saving yourself $6K
Friends of mine have a couple Fender custom shop instruments between them...including a few telex/esquires. I've played 'em and didn't really dig them all that much.

Nice job saving yourself $6K
"Custom Shop" should be called "Fancypants Shop". Its rare when I play a guitar from the FCS that actually sounds much better than a production model.
"Custom Shop" should be called "Fancypants Shop". Its rare when I play a guitar from the FCS that actually sounds much better than a production model.

That's why they added the extra level of Masterbuilt, which is pretty much the price level were you actually get something not off an assembly line, but at two to three times the price of a similar small-built instrument without the Fender brand equity. But that equity is a big deal when it comes to re-sale.
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