Ok...I got it fixed!
I bought a program called EZ Recovery Essentials from Neosmart.
First couple of times I tried to run the program I wouldn't load properly. I decided to give it one more shot and I loaded up and windows started. Go figure.
Cost me $20 for the EZ program.
Thanks for this. I'm going to give that a look after the holidays.the free version of Macrium Reflect, and do a complete system image of your PC.
Thanks for this. I'm going to give that a look after the holidays.
I have various types of backups kicking around and I fear that if ever need to restore anything, I won't know which program to use. This looks like it covers the required bases and I can free up some space by turfing some of the old copies of stuff.
Funny, you remember my shit better than I do. I remember the win10 update being problematic on one of my machines, but I don't even remember how I fixed it. I recall there being some level of old school computer nerd wizardry involved though. Something Microsoft themselves hadn't figured out yet. It was a triumphant moment.It sounds like the settings for the hard drive changed when you updated the BIOS and the system is looking at the wrong part of the drive to boot from.
OGG went through something similar a couple of years ago and posted all the info.
I understand what went on at a conceptual level, but I'd need to have hands-on to be able to understand the details and then explain it.
I've got it downloaded as well now. I just spent the afternoon reloading all my programs back onto the hard drive. I have just one left that I don't have a license key for. So next week when I get a minute I need to give them a call and have them walk me through it.Yeah, that's a really good idea.
Macrium Reflect is quite useful so I bought the commercial version and have it set up to automatically back up my system onto separate 5tb external hard drives connected to my PC via USB. It does full backups every three months (alternating hard drives each time), and then differential backups (only backing up data that has been added or changed since the last full backup) on alternating drives in between.
After the initial full backup and rescue disk creation, setting up and testing the backup scheduling only took me half an hour, and then it's been completely automated since. It does its magic every Wednesday morning at 2am.
I am paranoid about losing data now, after having lost a full two years of photos of my son (who is 14 now) when the phone I'd taken them with crapped out, and then the backup turned out to be corrupted. Multiple backups plus the originals are the only way to completely rule that out.
Ok...I'm seriously contemplating pulling the trigger on a new laptop...
I'm looking for recommendations for one that would be primarily used for music production. I'd still use it for the web etc but I'd try to keep the hard drive clean of any unnecessary downloads.
I'm looking for something windows based with at least a 17" screen. Budget $1000.....whadda ya got for me?
I saw a pretty nice Asus in a 5 best list.
So that SSD works in conjunction with the already installed HDD, in its own internal slot?