Happy Birthday Foo!

wow. 50. that looks kinda weird. wasn't it yesterday i was acting stupid, getting drunk and hoping to become a rock star. oh yeah. i guess it was yesterday. oh well. 50 still looks weird. i gotta get my liscence renewed this year. at least i still have my liscence. i wonder why the dog is doing that. didn't i have another beer around here somewhere? what website am i on anyway? dang. how did i end up at mark wein's place. strange days indeed. was there a point to this? hell, i don't remember. did i think that, say that or actually type it? hmmmm. wow. look at the calendar. it's my birthday. happy birthday foo. why thank you foo. very nice of you to remember.......
I got you a balloon but it burst.
And this Useful Pot to put things in.
