Graphic guitars-Do you like them?

I remember really liking the fighter plane graphic jackson gutiars Amir Derakh was playing back in the 80's. I don't remember seeing those finishes before him.
Nah, kinda silly. These new Deans with the Megadeth graphics on them are just plain stupid.
depends on the graphic and the guitar.

I would never buy one with another band's graphics, either.

that said, I'd like to get my 2nd bass :)lol:) done up with a MUNG graphic.


new les avatar.jpg
Nah, kinda silly. These new Deans with the Megadeth graphics on them are just plain stupid.


I think that's the thing with me, there is a certain level of complicated graphic that is real, and obviously fake, per piece/price. Those Megadeth graphics...that would be a 2K job alone for the airbrush work through GMW, if not more. It takes 12-20+ of hours of a airbrush artist to make something with so much detail, and get it right. It's a out of fashion art.

The Batsplorer for example...


All real work, all good work, but hardly master class work. I still love it though, even if I don't play it much. It's real, I totally appreciate that.
Now, I do have to retract a small portion of my statement. I've seen your Batsplorer before, and I love it.
I like it too, but it's, again, no masterclass type work. I've seen that stuff IRL, much like that headless horseman Stein, and it really changes one's perspective of what can be done, to a level of extreme detail, on a guitar.
Depends on the guitar and the graphic.

I'm not too big on Nagel, but I like things like lightning sky and snakeskin.
Flames can be nice too.
The others are on a case by case basis.
I've seen pinstripes, flames, camo (the Lynch model is good), some pin-ups, western themed, sci-fi themed that I liked. Not all of em, but some.
The dark images on so many of em turn me off, so that kills many of them right there for me.