Dig it! GPOTD: 1.21 Gigawatts Edition!


Master of the Meh
I must have this. I don't know who built it, but I need it. I know Mason has his own "Delorean" guitar that was originally a Matt Bellamy one-off, but this is MUCH cooler!

Neck and body look like Ibanez RG, and the pickup and trem agree. The fact that the pickup is a Dimarzio IBZ and not a Dimarzio suggest this is an aftermarket custom rather than something build by Ibanez custom shop. Trem suggests the same, as it has some cast parts. I suppose someone could have spec'd that pickup and trem, but I'm guessing this is a cool home-brew on an Ibanez starter rather than a factory effort.
Neck and body look like Ibanez RG, and the pickup and trem agree. The fact that the pickup is a Dimarzio IBZ and not a Dimarzio suggest this is an aftermarket custom rather than something build by Ibanez custom shop. Trem suggests the same, as it has some cast parts. I suppose someone could have spec'd that pickup and trem, but I'm guessing this is a cool home-brew on an Ibanez starter rather than a factory effort.
That's pretty much my take as well. Very little info on it, just stumbled across a picture and thought "Oh holy Shitballs! That is THE guitar for The Obscure80's thing". I mean... Could it possibly be more relevant to my band? Hardly.

I just absolutely love it. For real.

Not generally an RG type of guy, but this could sway me. Of course, mine would have a Kahler. :)
You dont need that if you already have the pedal.


But Never Ever EVER under ANY circumstances plug the above guitar into this pedal. You will cause a time rip such as the Gibson ES345 that Marty McFly played in 1955. The problem is the ES345 was debuted in 1957. Thats why Marty shakes now.
I think I just refluxed into the back of my throat.

I wonder how it plays because that would be a nice guitar for your 80's band. I hope it's not just a stage prop.
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