Flatwound strings on flat-top acoustic guitars

why would you want flats on an acoustic, unless you're playing mostly slide on it ?
the whole idea of an acoustic guitar IS projection, and flats don't do that.
I like the feel of flats.
No projection - does that mean that it will sound lifeless, or that the sound won't "fill the room" as well as 'normal' acoustic strings?

I don't have an acoustic these days, just wandering.
how much it will "fill the room" i guess, depends on how hard you strum the strings.
but it WILL sound deader. not the same ring or sustain. i have them on my 175, but that has a pickup, so the acoustic properties aren't that important.
strings aren't that expensive, so you could stick a set on and see what you think.
I guess it depends on how deader (how much and in what way) they sound.
Thanks for the input, I guess when I'll get an acoustic I'll try a set of flats before a setup.

What gauge of strings do you use on your 175?
I guess it depends on how deader (how much and in what way) they sound.
Thanks for the input, I guess when I'll get an acoustic I'll try a set of flats before a setup.

What gauge of strings do you use on your 175?
also, i only use plain G strings (not wound).
and that's on the acoustics also.
i do too much single note bending stuff to use a wound G.
I do have a set of flat on one electric guitar. 10’s, they are thick , seem thicker than 10’s normally.