

I gotta move
Tastes like filmjölk. I got vanilla. They didn't have plain because people are babies and need flavored everything. The end.
I eat plain yoghurt and kefir all the time. I'm lactose-intolerant, but love those cultured milks. Sweetening them is for pussies...
never heard of it, looks similar to kefir which is good. They have been out of (flavored) bluberry kefir at Safeway for the past two weeks so I had to do withpeach and orange. I like flavor in my dairy bacteria's.
Try using kefir and making a smoothy with bananas, berries or other fruit -- works great!

Thanks for the suggestion. I actually went through a huge smoothie binge a couple years smoothies every day for like 4 months at the time I mainly used Mountain High brand plain yogurt which is relatively cheap and readily available in AZ and probably the southwest since it's made in Colorado. I did see plain kefir at the Safeway yesterday, I might buy it next time and add a bit of maple syrup to it :idea: